The Brit Intel Want in on the “Debunking” Game – IOTW Report

The Brit Intel Want in on the “Debunking” Game


Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines revealed the White House’s vast efforts to “debunk” disinformation and “false narratives,” including about the Russia-Ukraine War, while speaking with a leading British intelligence officer, who called on Western intelligence agencies to “prebunk” disinformation and use “alliances” between big tech and the government to make people view government-backed narratives with more “trust.”

The stunning admissions – which follow confirmation that American intelligence agencies have been colluding with social media platforms to censor Americans – came during an interview on BBC Radio 4’s Today program featuring Jeremy Fleming as a guest host.

Fleming, the Director of the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the United Kingdom’s Intelligence, Cyber and Security Agency, also called on intelligence agencies to take a more active role in countering “disinformation,” proposing that intelligence agencies begin “pre-bunking” allegedly false narratives before they become mainstream. Trust

4 Comments on The Brit Intel Want in on the “Debunking” Game

  1. Thinking people understand all governments are currently purely agenda driven. There is no help for this as western governments only represent the wealthy and large businesses, and those entities have one agenda, to keep what they have and get more. The global agendas are more murky but in no instance benefit people over the institutional power base.

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