The Canceling of Trump Continues as the PGA Drops Trump Course From Hosting Major Event – IOTW Report

The Canceling of Trump Continues as the PGA Drops Trump Course From Hosting Major Event

I spoke to Farmwife the other night and I predicted that Trump Tower will be razed within 4 years. No one will want to live there. It would be akin to staying at The Hitler Hotel.

What was Trump’s crime again?


The Professional Golfers’ Association has decided to move forward with a plan to strip the Trump National Golf Course at Bedminster of its 2022 PGA Championship.

“The odds that ’22’s PGA Championship will happen as scheduled in New Jersey are about as good as the chances of you or I winning it,” Golfweek’s Eamon Lynch wrote on Saturday. “Moving its major from Trump National has been debated internally at the PGA for more than two years, but executives have been reluctant to antagonize a famously vindictive man who controls the Internal Revenue Service. Such concerns melt away in 10 days, if not sooner.”


They spoke about it 2 years ago.

If Trump won they wouldn’t have said a peep.

AND, it was Obama that used the IRS against the right.

ht/ joe6pack

35 Comments on The Canceling of Trump Continues as the PGA Drops Trump Course From Hosting Major Event

  1. as long as Trump either divests his interests in extremely internationally valuable properties, sells them outright or renames them into different ‘partnerships’, he & his family will continue to rake in billions more than Obama, Pelosi, Clinton, Schumer, Hoyer, Biden, et al.

    … the cream floats to the top

  2. I guess I’ll get rid of my teevee. About the only thing I’ve watched in a year or so is a golf tournament if it’s on. Even then the sound is usually off. I’m trying to come up with a reason to keep it, it doesn’t look good for the teevee.

  3. Yes, and in 10 days POTUS Trump will still be in charge of the IRS. Keep coming out from your hidey holes you rat bastards. In any event, what Trump can’t finish, we’ll be glad to take it from there. Who buys all those expensive tickets to the tourneys, anyway? Who buys all those products the PGA advertises on the tee vee?

  4. MAGA plays golf. So, has the PGA thought about losing part of it audience? I read woke comments about this story on Twitter. The PGA did the right thing but they still represented the white patriarchy and are still guilty and evil.

    (There is still a reason to be on Twitter. Be a lurker to their insanity.)

  5. And just for the record: It is not Trump who is being vindictive. It’s so extremely petty and mean and vindictive of the PGA to do this to him.

    Dear God, please smite the PGA. Amen.

  6. The Leftists are attacking everyone. I see it on Facebook, Twitter, even in social interactions. They are trying to isolate and destroy every conservative, every Trump supporter. No point in speaking up because I know I will be attacked. But they aren’t changing anyone’s mind to their side. There will be a reckoning.

  7. Whether Trump is back or not, this corporate hissy fit bandwagon is temporary.

    When Joe is shitting himself on camera and slurring his speech, forgetting kamala’s name, the media will be too busy with biden they won’t notice when Trump gets his golf course back onto the championship circuit.

    This is all temporary. Annoying and ridiculous as it is.

  8. LCD — Boy howdy, will there EVER be a reckoning!

    I’m actually glad to see this naked hatred being exposed. It makes the reckoning all that more necessary and final. They’ve been given every chance to choose and this is what they chose. There can be no doubt at all.

  9. @Joe6Pak Keep your TV for PlutoTV. I’m watching Johnny Carson. Political jokes that hit both sides and actual comedians. It’s cool to see everyone just starting out, like Seinfeld.

  10. Hmm. I went through my “Spank Whitey” phase. Even joined a high dollar country club. I can’t think of one damn person who plays golf that I know that is a Libtard. Most are successful professional people or small biz owners. Conservative to the core.

  11. Well, I don’t watch golf, I don’t watch any sports anymore, I don’t watch current tv shows, I don’t watch local or national news and I haven’t had satellite tv in a long time. I will be keeping my tv though because I watch old tv shows over the air and an over the air Christian movie channel along with a lot of movies and old tv shows on dvd.

    The more of this shit they do the more I just can’t see Trump riding off into the sunset. They’re pretty much leaving him no choice but to bring the fire of hell down on all of them.

  12. Everybody, make your lists. Not so much because of the left, but because of the right. lol.

    I put kelly ‘i look like beaker from the muppets’ loeffler on the list a few days ago. Bitch.

  13. Illustr8r — we cut the cable cord in 2019 when it got down to 2 shows/channels we watched: Fox Business (Varney & Dobbs) and Turner Classic Movies. When concast upped the ante by charging an additional fee for TCM that’s when we quit. I really miss all the old films, but I can find a lot of them on YT (still). We tried the free Flex box but it’s very hit or miss; mostly miss. We almost never turn our tee vee on anymore.

    Here’s one for you: “The Pied Piper” (set in WWII) with Monty Wooley and Roddey McDowell. Not a huge Wooley fan, but he actually displays more range in this film.

  14. MJA
    That fucking bitch. Constantly banging on my email for money. I finally sent the bitch an email back and told her I’m gonna need to see some topless pictures before I contribute any money. Well shit, she looked like Dennis The Mennis with his juvenile shirt off. Very disappointing and not worth a donation.
    If Trumps done nothing else for America he’s exposed the ass holes.

  15. It’s all a direct assault/insult to those of us that believe in the U.S. Constitution, freedom, liberty and the American way.
    Trump just happens to be their most direct access to US.

  16. And here I thought 2021 was going to be dull and boring.

    Like a car wreck, the collapse of the good ol’ USA is going to be difficult to ignore. Keep your head down when the boom sticks start talking.

  17. TCM showed a great English romantic comedy from 1946 a couple of weeks ago on their Essentials program called A Matter Of Life And Death (American title Stairway To Heaven) starring David Niven as a British fighter pilot in World War 2 who is killed by the Germans and comes back to life and must prove that he is still alive before a celestial court. It’s a great movie that I once saw on the late movie many years ago in the early 70’s and is very well worth watching. I noticed that it’s available on You Tube, be prepared to to be blown away with the court scenes in Heaven as he fights for his life against overwhelming odds. This movie I would give a 5 or better rating, it’s a definite keeper.

  18. @Third

    Yes, it is extreme pettiness and evil. Stripping Trump of his association with the PGA shows that they will now go the last mile to rid the world of Donald Trump. Now that he is not president, they face less risk in physically harming him.

    I imagine how Melania must be feeling about now. She and her family could be in serious danger. During the 2017 inauguration, the expression on her face was “This is not going to end well”, Unfortunately, she was correct.

    Witch-bitch Pewlosi is flying high these days. I will be so happy when she crashes.


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