The Candidate About Nothing – IOTW Report

The Candidate About Nothing

7 Comments on The Candidate About Nothing

  1. They can’t win with this idiot. They know it, can’t fake it anymore, so they will cheat on the down ballots, try to own Congress and the judiciary, and block Trump on everything they can. IMHO.

  2. Again – there are National Treasures and then there are National Disgraces. People throughout the world must be thinking the US has lost its mind completely. And, perhaps many have. What’s happening is beyond comprehension. If you put AOC and Kamala in a room together you might be able to scrape together one fifth of a brain. And that’s exercising optimism.

  3. Makes me think of that old dirty joke.
    Patient: Doctor! Doctor! I have a bright red ring on my penis. I heard if it closes the loop it will turn black and fall off.
    Doctor after quick look: I don’t know about it turning black and falling off, but if it bothers you that much, you should have your girlfriend change shades of lipstick.


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