The Candidates on the Issues – IOTW Report

The Candidates on the Issues

Who gets the highest rating according to Conservative Review?

It’s always been Ted Cruz.

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52 Comments on The Candidates on the Issues

  1. Even though I am pissed off about a couple votes Cruz still looks head and shoulders better than the rest of the field. I’ll probably clean up my Cruz tailgate stickers pretty soon.

  2. My complaints with Cruz?

    Mixed Race
    Not American born
    Smartest guy in the room
    Career Politician
    Thinks he’s funny

    Now who else does that sound like?

    Sorry folks, I’m done with politicians and lawyers, no matter how good they sound.

  3. Mr.M, those are all drawbacks of course, and I agree. So of the true outsider, non politicians, we have Trump, Carson, Fiorina. Of the three I think Carson has the potential to be the better president. Too bad my crystal ball is pretty blurry now, I’d like to know what is going to happen.

  4. Trump supported the Supreme Court’s 2005 decision in Kelo v. City of London, allowing public authorities to seize private land for economic development by private investors…

    Trump supported President Obama’s 2009 stimulus…

    Trump supported TARP…

    Trump supported the 2008 auto bailout…

  5. joe6, I might agree with you but Carson is anti-gun from a public health point of view. He’d be good in the administration but not as prez. Many of them would.

  6. That’s the best synopsis I’ve seen anywhere, and it happens to confirm my original choice, too. I confess, Carly’s interview and debate skills briefly turned my head, but the she just isn’t conservative enough.

  7. B. Fur, thanks for posting this and thanks to MM for pointing this site out on an earlier thread. As many readers here have pointed out many of these candidates have “evolved” over time on their positions which makes choosing one more difficult. Personally I liked Ted Cruz and Carly. But after seeing Carly’s record line for line I am less enamored with her but will keep an eye on her. Because Ted has the most green dots and has been evolving the least (no surprise about him really), I am going to throw my campaign dollars down his toilet……

  8. Yup, you are right on that, but I think he is pragmatic enough to evolve on this. I’m surprised with the positions he has taken so far, he might be a hell of a good VP candidate.

  9. Yeah, about the being “rabid” thing… Every candidate has rabid followers. Not just one.

    And we still have months and months to go with this. People are getting their panties in a bunch over candidates who may drop out before the end of this month or the next. Relax. lol.

  10. I’ve never understood why the hell should I pay this asshole’s way to D.C. so he can sit on his ass in an airconditioned office and dream up unlimited new methods of stealing whatever is left of my paycheck.
    (By ‘this asshole’, I mean politicians in general… I do like Cruz…)

  11. Cruz is my top choice, far and away. I don’t trust politicians, but everything I have seen from Cruz has been positive. I could bring myself to vote for most of the Republican candidates, but not Bush. I’ll go 3rd party instead.

  12. The nice thing about the list for me is that I can pick a top 5. The only candidates with no red marks

    Cruz, Paul, Walker, Jindal.

    Any of these candidates are the eventual nominee and I’m voting.

    If the party settles on Jeb, I’m writing in Donald Trump if he hasn’t formed a 3rd Party.

    I like Carly because she causes anxiety on the left and is not going to pull any punches if Hillary is still there next Spring. I hope Carly hangs in there right up to the convention next year and is willing to continue the fight if she’s not the nominee.

  13. Mixed Race? Are you serious about that?

    “…done with politicians and lawyers..” What the heck are you doing on a political thread of a political blog? LOL!!

  14. Golly, yeah you’re right. But it is hard to throw in the towel, especially with an intact, multi generational family surrounding you. We can’t just all quit. This next election might be our last chance to fix things, let’s hope we have decent candidates.

  15. Not sure how CR or any publication can rate every candidate on all those issues given the time the candidates had to respond (at one point Cruz had no questions for 44 minues!) and different questions offered were not equal. Come on, man.

  16. Go back, look at and learn about Conservative Review…they ACCUMULATE their information.

    This is NOT based SOLELY on the so-called debate performance.


  17. Please look at Ted’s record before passing judgment. I believe he is an honest patriot who will defend the constitution and conservative American values.
    Ted Cruze for president please!

  18. Graham’s fans are:

    any South Carolinian with a job related to the military; LOTS of military jobs in SC

    any black Republican (e.g. Tim Scott)

    any GOPer of unsure sexual identity

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