Will It Be Worth the Wait? – IOTW Report

Will It Be Worth the Wait?

If you’ve been wanting to see Jerry Lewis’ Holocaust clown movie, well there’s good news. The Library f Congress has acquired the one final cut of the “The Day the Clown Cried” from Lewis himself.



The bad news, Jerry Lewis ordered the film not be shown for 10 more years. 

“It’s [either] better than Citizen Kane or the worst piece of s- that anyone ever loaded on the projector,”


The comments on this one are something to behold.  Set the Sort on Best to see Holocaust deniers and leftist proclaim America worse than the Nazi. Set the Sort to Oldest to see Pro lifers compare PP to the Nazis.

17 Comments on Will It Be Worth the Wait?

  1. I was just surprised how comfortable some people are in their holocaust denial. Actually, I was stunned.

    I do want to see this movie. I will probably watch Jerry Lewis’ better films first though so this thing isn’t so traumatizing.

  2. I was never so disillusioned until the night a friend and I decided to go see Jerry Lewis at a Denver night club. The room was totally blue with F bombs hanging in the air, punctuated frequently by vulgar names for women’s privates. I didn’t hear a single real joke. And angry?! Whoa! Mental. Definitely mental. Hollywood is equal parts nature and nurture — except for the Newmans and Meryl Streep, I don’t think there is anyone in that town who isn’t “normal” by any generally accepted use of that word.

  3. Nope. His gags don’t hold up now. A decade from now? Sorry don’t see it. If you met him in person, you’d see a man who views his audience as “the little people” and unworthy of his respect.

  4. Nope, don’t care, I like my humour more Will Rogers or Dennis Miller.
    Lewis always made me feel uncomfortable, you know, like when your mother cleaned your dirty face in public with her spit.

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