The CDC Says White People Sleep Better – IOTW Report

The CDC Says White People Sleep Better

Well, I used to sleep better. Now how am I going to get all my perfect cracker rest with all the white guilt?

(Oh my God. I just realized my sheets are white.

I’m a monster.)

Stupid Story HERE


25 Comments on The CDC Says White People Sleep Better

  1. Maybe the survey didn’t ask about naps while other people are working?
    “NHANES asked how much sleep respondents typically get “at night on weekdays or workdays.””

    This is not a racist comment. Did you see the part about the same issue in Appalachia?

  2. It seems like all these studies showing how good whites have it are coming dangerously close to stating whites are superior. The left can’t even lie with the intended effect.

  3. Baloney. Everybody knows blacks and other people of color (excluding the pinkish-white, and olive colored) are more sensitive to global warming and climate change and rising ocean water.

    oops scratch rising oceans, our president stopped all that seven years ago.

  4. I’m as white as can be, and I sleep horribly. Go to bed at 10:15 and get up at 6:15 p.m., feeling lousy.

    I attribute this to the fact of working in New York City Family Gulag.

  5. My white man gets maybe four hours on a good night, then he’s up at the ass crack of dawn to tend to the family business and get a jump on the day. It is his white privilege to work his fingers to the bone so that he can fund all those unemployed malt-liquor drinkers who can’t get a good night’s sleep because they are out carousing until all hours.

  6. I used to sleep well before section 8 hit the neighborhood. Now dogs are barking all night, bass drones up and down the street and I hear people fighting two blocks away.

    There’s a reason these people weren’t here when I originally bought the place, you needed your own money to buy in. Now I’m paying for them to love here because the democrat equality goofs say integration is a good thing. The housing downturn was a blessing for their agenda, I bet that was the goal from the beginning when they implemented CRA.

  7. Old Oaks, I feel ya. Same issue in our neighborhood. My city is a DOJ “target,” as we have committed the crime of being too monochromatic. When the neighbors got together to object to all the Section 8 housing coming in, there were gasps from our liberal overlords at our racism and discriminatory attitudes. We also were told that many, many Section 8 dwellers were elderly or disabled. Why did we hate the elderly and the disabled, they wanted to know?

    So now, every time I drive or walk thru my little town square and see an able-bodied young man in the middle of the day, with nothing to do — just hanging out with a bandana on his head, his pants around knees, smoking a joint — I think to myself, “Oh here’s one of the elderly or disabled people my liberal overlords were talking about!”

  8. Old Oaks… I know exactly what you’re talking about. My beautiful neighborhood turned to crap because of section 8. Higher taxes too! The main reason I moved to Podunk. I’m not a prisoner in my home. I can set up my telescope outside and wait inside for the right hour to start my viewing,… and it’s STILL THERE! I LOVE IT.

  9. Government report to spur government action by other government agencies who generate additional government reports to justify additional government.

    Never underestimate the power of a government report.

  10. Tired Mom,
    So why haven’t you turned those bandana wearing yutes into an elderly or disabled person already? The disabled part should be particularly easy, they’re already halfway there being brain dead.

  11. Good Gawd, what a load of baloney.
    If you sit at a desk all day you will need X amount of sleep.
    If you hump tires up a hill all day you will need Y amount of sleep.
    Same with differences in where you live.

    You know, it’s these studies that are killing the budget.
    Who in the world needs to know this crap?

  12. Dear CDC stop spending my tax money on this kind of crap.
    From now on ‘Just ask Lazlo’
    I will help you out:
    Fire is hot, and will burn the shit out of you
    Dogs approve of Nougat
    Fat Lesbians are unhappy because they are Fat and Lesbian
    Monkeys fling poop because flinging urine is inefficient
    Smacking your instep with a hammer will result in pain if not bruising or worse.
    Filing your teeth into points does not in fact, lead to cannibalism
    Drinking paint will lead to rigorous vomiting
    Call me before you spend any more money.

  13. Sleep all day at the Post Office, the Union Shop, the Gov’t Office, and while drinking MD 20/20 and watchin Orca or B-Ball on the TV waitin for your EBT card to arrive, you just don’t need to sleep at night.

    I’m sure that BS and HRC will be promising “a better night’s sleep” in the next matchup …

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