The CDC Updates Its Covid-19 Death Count – And It is STUNNING! – IOTW Report

The CDC Updates Its Covid-19 Death Count – And It is STUNNING!

No, it didn’t go up. It went down. Way down. In fact, I feel like going out and lighting dumpster fires and coming up with silly chants and blocking ANTIFA and BLM people as they are on their way to… well… nowhere, that’s how low this number is.

Why the update? Because in a stunning act of ethical behavior, they decided to release the number of people who died FROM Covid-19, not WITH Covid-19.

The number of people who died of Covid, who had no other underlying medical condition, other than perhaps being old, is….


Yep. We allowed our “leaders” to destroy a country for 9,700 people. Let me be the first to say, that is a horrendous trade-off. We lose more in wars, healthy working-age young men, trying to preserve the country. Even if you want to say by doing nothing we’d have 4 times the death rate, ummm, I say it’s worth it not to do what we have done.

This was no act of preservation. Quite the opposite. This was a coordinated effort to destroy this presidency, I am convinced of that. Why else would “protesters” be allowed to break every social distancing rule in the book, while hundreds of thousands of businesses across the country are shutting their doors forever?

If looters are allowed in stores, why aren’t paying customers?

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28 Comments on The CDC Updates Its Covid-19 Death Count – And It is STUNNING!

  1. I’m with ya brother…

    Boiling hot. If true millions… FUCKING MILLIONS of ppl displaced and sent packing for another drive by media dump truck full of bullshit. 😡

  2. Yah, that kind of number has been out there for a while. Last time I looked it was around 7800. But that doesn’t matter to the covid cultists I speak to. They are so consumed with fear about this that they won’t pay attention to facts, only fear-mongering.

  3. Fake they shrieked, FAKE! When I posted this on various lib sites they all shrieked and shrieked and screamed and then said rhat they were warned this would be misinterpreted by the stupid right wing!

  4. The CDC has known this all along. Somebody changed the rules for how deaths are counted. It was them, wasn’t it?

    They knew that this would eventually destroy their credibility, so they waited until it didn’t matter anymore, in terms of helping governors enact tyrannical laws, and then they come clean about what the truth is. Now, they can sit back and say they have revealed the true numbers, so they’re a credible organization.

    And the republican party will not do jack shit about any of it. If an agency had done this to screw the dem party, there would be absolute hell to pay by that agency.

    I”m still trying to figure out just why i’m supposed to keep voting.

  5. Don’t forget the international intent to destroy us, namely the CCP and possibly others. The Obama/Biden/Clinton/Pelosi Cabal signed right up and bought right in with them, in my opinion.

  6. @OR White Woman

    I really believe he knows if he didn’t go along with Dr. FoUstus the public wouldn’t not have believed what a slime bag FoUst was. We see, we believe. More will come out on the CDC and all the alphabet soup insiders.

  7. Everyone of these Governors and Mayors that have been complicit in this shutdown, should be hogtied and burnt at the stake. This shit cannot stand, and no more mask’s 😷 either.

  8. every single anti-american karen-cunt at the CDC should not only be fired, barred from EVER working for the grubbermint again, but should also be made available to be sued for their lies and the damage those lies have caused.

    I would go as far as revoking the citizenship of each and every person at the CDC after they are made penniless for this traitorous deception and then deport them for life.

    Too many leftist anti-american LOSERS take their citizenship for granted and IMHO aside from killing them outright I advocate for the “humane” treatment that I described above…. but my first choice for each and every one of those POS traitors is death simply because their scam caused deaths…. never mind the pain, suffering, loss of freedoms, jobs, and sanity, just to name a few things that the scam they pushed caused.

  9. I stopped at the Wash. state rest area yesterday just South of Rosalia, Wa. on Hwy. 195. Much to my chagrin there was a note on the door to the men’s room that said wearing a mask while inside the restroom was required. What, are there spy cameras inside now to make sure you comply. What a bunch of bullshit, I want my freedom back and for this bullshit to end like 6 months ago.

  10. The cynic in me says the CDC did this because the Dems are trying to rehab Cuomo, if not for 2020, then certainly for 2024.

    And can we be done with the goddam masks now? You Karens can keep them if you want, but they’re as done as fedoras to most people.

  11. Do not forget that Fauci ad Bill Gates were college roommates and that Bill Gates owns 40% of the World Health Organization, and Fauci has ownership as well. Th only thing they want is everyone taking their vaccination so they can both make millions more $$$$$$$.
    Check out Gates vaccination program in India, it was, is and always will be a horrible, deplorable deadly program that did not do one bit of good for any of those forced to take it.

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