The Chinese Are Buying Up Land And Medical Marijuana Growing Licenses in Oklahoma – IOTW Report

The Chinese Are Buying Up Land And Medical Marijuana Growing Licenses in Oklahoma

National File: The ChiComs are buying up the Sooner State. NATIONAL FILE has discovered that there is a massive black market business in Oklahoma run by Chinese nationals. The Chinese are buying plots of farmland and residential properties in cash and setting up front businesses including medical marijuana grow houses that are driving the illegal immigration crisis and being used as fronts for human trafficking. I discussed this crisis Thursday on The Stew Peters Show.

Oklahoma State Senator Warren Hamilton confirmed the Chinese invasion of Oklahoma farmland, stating in a text message: “I authored sb1469 and sjr 45 because of this,” referring to the legislative effort to stop the ChiComs from scamming the medical marijuana system to achieve black-market economic and political dominance in America’s heartland.

12 Comments on The Chinese Are Buying Up Land And Medical Marijuana Growing Licenses in Oklahoma

  1. I estimate there are at least 1000 high level chi-com
    spies in our country.Many are in plain sight at our STEM universities.They are Godless and evil.

  2. When are the CCP going to be punished along with the Commie Pinko Dem’s, the Globalists and the Rino’s for the destruction and damage they have done to America. 😡

    Like never 😩

  3. When they stop providing fentanyl to the Mexican Cartels who subsequently murder 30,000 US citizens every year-we will ask nicely that they cease and desist or we are at war openly and we reclaim our land. FU China.

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