The Clinton Default Position Is Simply To Lie – IOTW Report

The Clinton Default Position Is Simply To Lie

Bill Clinton Falsely Claims Foundation Discloses All Info on Donors, Activities.


WFB -Despite Clinton’s claim that the foundation discloses everything, reports have shown the family charity not disclosing donors’ names in a timely manner. The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), for example, did not disclose the names of donors between 2010 and 2013, according to Reuters. While CHAI spun off into a separate but affiliated entity from the foundation in 2010, its spokeswoman said the names of the donors should have been disclosed when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, Reuters reported.

CHAI should have published the names during 2010-2013, when Clinton was in office, CHAI spokeswoman Maura Daley acknowledged this week. “Not doing so was an oversight which we made up for this year,” she told Reuters in an email when asked why it had not published any donor lists until a few weeks ago.


5 Comments on The Clinton Default Position Is Simply To Lie

  1. any other charity operated that way would have the irs on it’s ass.

    too bad the msm doesn’t do their job, the foundation corruption if reported would certainly eliminate hillary from even running.

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