The Commander in Chief Gets Emotional When the NY Military Academy Marches Before Him – IOTW Report

The Commander in Chief Gets Emotional When the NY Military Academy Marches Before Him

The president attended this academy.

20 Comments on The Commander in Chief Gets Emotional When the NY Military Academy Marches Before Him

  1. Trump is the first true patriot to lead this country since RR. We as a country have endured 4 bad presidents in a row before Trump arrived.
    It’s a testament to the resiliency of this republic that we’ve managed to hang on until help finally arrived.

  2. It will be a pleasure to have a second opportunity to vote foe someone I want to vote for instead of having to hold my nose to vote for the less rotten candidate.

  3. I think compulsory attendance at the NYMA was the best thing Fred Trump ever did for his son, Donald. Early in his campaign, candidate Trump spoke often of his education and character development while there. If he’d been a so-so student, he wouldn’t have captained as many sports teams there as he did, nor would he have become a student leader. Look at the boy and I’ll show you the man. Anyone like to compare and contrast POTUS Trump’s boyhood to oblowme’s?

  4. Sometimes I wonder how devoid of self-awareness does O’Baja have to be to not see he is not The Won we were waiting for.
    No self-awareness, the Prog placemat.โ„ข

  5. @Bonespurs — Elaborate, please. I’m aware of a VA budget proposal dealing with older disabled vets (unemployable). But the monies are being shifted from whole family dental plans to expand the Veterans’ Choice program. And those vets who are losing their whole family benefits under the VA are being picked up by the Social Security Admin.

    I didn’t see anything recent about dental coverage that was “just” changed.

  6. My take on that video is it was a temporary weak moment from a warrior thats been under siege way to long. Not to worry. He’s better than I’ve ever seen him tonight in Ohio.

  7. BB — I didn’t see it as a weak moment, though I sure do take your point. That’s the thing about people who have great big open hearts; they have to feel Hell right along with Heaven.

    Maybe he was thinking of his papa and how proud he would be of his son. And maybe he was thinking about his brother, Fred, too.

    I sure do love that man.


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