Gullible Bleeding Heart Judge Gives Leniency To Gang Member and He Murders a Man 4 Months Later – IOTW Report

Gullible Bleeding Heart Judge Gives Leniency To Gang Member and He Murders a Man 4 Months Later


Jayden Myrick, who was arrested in the shooting last month, was “the big test case” for reforming juvenile offenders outside of adult prison, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Doris Downs told the teenager during a hearing on March 12, according to a transcript made public Thursday. Downs overruled a prosecutor’s insistence that Myrick was dangerous and a request to revoke his probation for an armed robbery he committed in 2015 at age 14.

Downs told Myrick at the end of the March hearing, “I’m pulling for you.”

“I’ve got your name etched in the back of my head,” the judge said. “I go to sleep at night and I’m wondering where you are and what you are up to … [The prosecutor] says we’ve made the mistake of a lifetime, and I’m hoping we’re right.”

Four months later, Myrick was back in jail, accused of killing 34-year-old Christian Broder, a Washington, D.C., restaurant executive who was in Atlanta for a wedding. Broder, a husband and father of an infant, died about two weeks after the July 8 shooting.

On Thursday, the Atlanta Police Department arrested the second suspect, 19-year-old Torrus Fleetwood, who is accused of driving a stolen 2014 Dodge Charger to the gates of the Capital City Club near Brookhaven, where Broder and three others were waiting for an Uber after leaving the wedding reception. Police said it was Myrick who jumped out, pointed a gun at the wedding guests and demanded their belongings. Broder followed Myrick, trying to negotiate, according to police reports, and Myrick pulled the trigger, shooting him in the stomach.


Looks like this bleeding heart dunce judge made the mistake of someone else’s lifetime.


27 Comments on Gullible Bleeding Heart Judge Gives Leniency To Gang Member and He Murders a Man 4 Months Later

  1. Torrus Fleetwood. Is this a made up name or did the parent (parent(s)?) really decide to name their child after Ford and Cadillac car models? And was the father an actual Cadillac car that provided his surname?

    I’m afraid I already know the answer. I more glad than ever that I don’t have to commute to downtown Atlanta these days.

    The judge should have to pay child support to the family of the man that was murdered by the scum that she so stupidly unleashed on society. He would have “etched his name in the back of her head” with a 9 mm if given the chance.

  2. The judge is just as responsible for this murder as the animal who pulled the trigger. She should be on trial with him and receive the same sentence.
    “Prison Reform”, the next great liberal cause, will cost many innocent lives.

  3. This feral little jackal is a good argument for bringing back lynching. If judges want to play child psychologists instead of adhering to the written law then the public should render justice.

  4. Liberals are always willing to risk others lives for their ideas and progroms. Few if any ever have to live in the castles and wish-believe towns and cities they create.

    Maybe it would have been different if the judge said, “Come live with me.”

  5. With vicious animals like this you only have two options, you can either kill it or cage it.
    There’s no place for sub human waste matter like this out among the public.

  6. But will he learn that being lenient will Evil begets Evil? No he probably won’t.
    And then there’s the Pope who wants to do away with the death penalty. Liberals are all alike and they never learn.

  7. TP – The judge is just as responsible for this murder….
    Absolutely, 100% correct. It is high time to hold Judges to a higher standard than just themselves. They are not Gods!! When they don’t do their job properly and endanger Society with decisions like this they need to be held accountable!
    Step 1: impeach
    Step 2: Put them on trial
    Steps 1 & 2 are interchangeable.

  8. The jurisdiction that the Judge rules in is just as guilty as the judge. They need to remove poorly thinking judges that fail to see that laws are carried out as written. These smarter than everyone else judges need to be flushed so citizens who can actually follow the law remain protected. Just how is a smart judge like Doris Downs going to repair that life, she personally tossed away, back???

  9. *conspiracy hat on*

    Assume for a moment that America has long been infiltrated by crypto-leftists bent on weakening this nation by any means necessary — politically, academically, socially, economically, religiously.

    Assume that this judge will never (in this life) answer for his decision which directly destroyed a family. This incident will be memory-holed just like hundreds of similar incidents have been.

    Now…assuming such infiltration existed and the infiltrators are guaranteed protection by others like themselves…wouldn’t this be exactly the kind of madness you’d expect to see? Madness that isn’t truly mad, but orchestrated to have a specific effect on everyone who learns of it? Causing them, over time, to lose hope and give up, or demand the current “failing” [sabotaged] system be replaced by what the saboteurs want installed?

    Wouldn’t everything that happens under constant infiltration and sabotage look exactly like things look now?

    *conspiracy hat still on*

  10. I worked for this judge, as well as most of the others there, when I was a court reporter at that courthouse. Yes, Judge Downs was a complete believer in reforming these horrid miscreants. I always had to grin and bear it in her courtroom. She is actually a very nice person, but shouldn’t be a judge. She was more like a social worker. But there are some very conservative judges that have been appointed in the last few years, so hopefully they are doing a better job.

  11. This is the result of making “judges” irresponsible for their actions.
    The miscreant should have been placed in her basement.

    If “judges” were responsible for their “decisions” very little of this kind of shit would happen – “judges” are cowards by nature and profession but responsibility would make them … well … responsible.

    A man lives or dies by his principles … a “judge” … not so much.
    They can spout all the bullshit they want with absolute impunity.
    And society suffers.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. These judges are the people that should be tormented and harassed like the Left wants to do to Mr. Trump’s administration.
    And here’s a prison reform tip:
    Solitary confinement. Stand a bunch of 20′ diameter concrete storm drain sections on end over a slab. A little shelter inside to sleep and a toilet/sink/shower stand and plenty of sunshine.

    No contact with the outside world except to deliver food, and a doctor now and then. On visiting day they can talk through the food hole.
    No fights, no rapes, no Islamic indoctrination, no tattoos, no riots.

  13. Movie: In Cold Blood: 2 men kill entire family, sentenced to death, taken down stairs to courthouse basement, what’s waiting is the gallows, yep they hung these men right away….no jail time no appeal, saved tax payer dollar, my point: perhaps if there is evidence without a doubt DNA proof that the crime is done by the accused why should they sit for years educating themselves, like Charles Manson, sat in prison for years before he died with a death sentence excused to a life sentence. For violent criminals a death sentence should be carried out quickly and should not take years, some people need to remain in jail to protect the public, our jails are filled and cases should be reviewed, enacted to what sentenced was handed down and others need to be reviewed as is this right for the crime.

    Foreign people in our jail, their home nation should pay us for housing them and feeding them which brings to this subject: No special food for “religious” groups, every one eats the same food regardless basically no Muslims is entitled to special food, don’t like what being served don’t eat it. People, our tax dollars are being wasted to serve these people who have been jailed for crimes against society, Sheriff Joe, yep that man and his pink jail suits and sandwiches are a great idea and its budget worthy.

  14. The judge hears about this and says, will we tried. Then goes home to her gated community and feels safe. She’s not safe, just a little more safe.
    We need common sense thug control.

  15. If Judge Doris Downs was instead a doctor who did the wrong thing by guessing an outcome even though facts were telling her it was NOT the proper thing to do, how much money would be bleeding out of her ass right now from medical malpractice suits? She needs to pay, and her record needs to be examined.

  16. So this was “the big test case.”
    The test was a big fat failure.
    But I’m willing to bet big money the liberal judges there learned absolutely nothing and continue their revolving door jail sentences.
    Because the next case is “different.”

  17. Every time a cop shoots one of these apes they are faced with a hail of accusations and potential charges. Yet these judges make life changing calls that effect innocent people and they are never held to account.

  18. Judges that allow their personal views into cases should be removed from the bench, judges should only deal with the rule of law, this judge rules with personal feelings and that got people killed.

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