The Confrontation: “Shut Up and Listen” -Bill Clinton To a Marine – IOTW Report

The Confrontation: “Shut Up and Listen” -Bill Clinton To a Marine

I realize Dr. Tar covered this, but in a different way than this post. Dr. Tar said that he had additional questions for Clinton, and I would hope that Tar would have asked his question and then sat down and, indeed, shut up and listen to the answer so that he could counter it.

While I applaud these two (see video below) for confronting Bill Clinton with questions about Hillary’s handling of Benghazi, they blew a great opportunity.

A marine stood up and asked Clinton a question, but then launched into a progressive-like filibuster. I almost expected him to yell, “don’t taze me bro.”

Clinton, I loathe to admit, said a very appropriate thing – “I’m not your commander-in-chief anymore, but if I were I’d tell you to be more polite. Sit down.” At that point the marine breaks into a little smile, indicating that he wasn’t simply consumed with passion as he was the theater of it all, and was probably very interested in getting thrown out, which is great for giving progs a taste of their own medicine, but I’d have much preferred to see an actual calm debate between Clinton and a marine.

The marine didn’t take Clinton’s cue. He kept filibustering and was tossed.

Clinton was yelling to security, “don’t throw him out. If he’d shut up and listen I’d answer him.”

I wish we got that answer.

The woman who had the marine’s back did the correct follow-up, but she, too, just kept yelling when she simply could have piped down and let Clinton speak.

She should have allowed Clinton to cobble together an answer and then she could have countered in a calm reasonable tone. That never happened.

A more cynical person might think that this was a Clinton orchestration. As poor Bill stood there saying he wanted to answer their question, they just kept yelling, leaving people to believe that Clinton had a great answer, but couldn’t get to it because of “right-wing loons.”

Sorry if people disagree, but these two were in the right place at the right time, and they kind of blew it. We’re left with the story that Clinton told a marine to shut up and listen. That’s not a huge story.

HT/ finai

9 Comments on The Confrontation: “Shut Up and Listen” -Bill Clinton To a Marine

  1. Dude should have gotten an “answer” and then pounced after that point. Because you know Bill would have said something stupid about a right wing conspiracy or some “I feel your pain” bullshit.

    I recommend anyone else trying this to next time bring a large envelope with a letter of grievances in it and make sekuuurdy! take it to her/him on stage. You need props, people! Why? Because everyone saw that envelope and are going to be asking what’s in the letter, Hills?
    It’s drama, the media will have the dude on TV asking what’s in the letter and you can burn her in front of millions.

  2. The lady was right he would not have answered the question and would have instead lied thru his teeth which is his practice! Clinton can obfuscate “what’s for dinner” or depends on what “is” “is”? They actually did as well as could be expected considering who they were dealing with!

  3. If this was a Bill plant we would see it response.

    The thing to really focus on is Bill, standing on a stage, pontificating to a mob of lemmings about how a marine’s mind was “poisoned by lies”. If I were running a campaign I would cut that and loop that from now until the first weekend in November. Oh, the images would change from Hillary talking to the family members of those that dies at Benghazi to Bill’s famous “it depends on what your definition of “is” is” to landing under sniper fire to well, there is enough to switch it up every other week until November.

  4. Clinton will never answer a straight question He just jerks people
    off to the delight of his Lo Fo audience. Bubba has had a free ride
    for over thirty years with adoring audiences and huge paychecks
    It’s time he got dragged down to size and called a Goddamn liar to his face, if only by one or two people. Semper Fi Marine and the Lady.

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