The Contrast is Stark – IOTW Report

The Contrast is Stark

In the aftermath of Dallas, the statements released by both Hillary and Trump reveals a stark contrast.

One is up for the job, the other seems to be mailing it in with cookie cutter platitudes, platitudes that manage to have a cynical underpinning and tone that is more sympathetic to the group being protected by the cops than the cops themselves, even though the group being protected has called for the killing of cops.


17 Comments on The Contrast is Stark

  1. This soulless bitch would send flowers and a form letter of condolence addressed “To Whom It May Concern”. She had someone else write this meaningless sentence and send it in. She doesn’t give a hoot for anyone but herself.

  2. If this bitch wins, I will stay in America. I will work and pay my taxes. I will try to fly under the radar and keep as many of my rights as I am able.
    I will work hard to stop the hemorrhage of the life blood of America, due to the Liberal Evil that prostrates this great country, and try to repair and restore as much of Old America as I can.
    I will bide my time, until the next election, and do what I can to stem this tide. I will behave, and I will not riot and burn other people’s property because I am angry at my lot.
    But if all is lost, and America falls, I will not go willingly into the Gulags they have prepared for my kind. But if I end there rest assured I will grow sleek and fat on a diet of Liberals and Never Trumpers.

  3. The dem platform is gun control, black lives, abortion, $15 an hour, etc.
    All kinds of shit that will actually harm blacks.

    Have they scheduled the debates yet?
    After we get through the conventions, IF we get through, it should be an interesting Fall.

  4. Foreign, domestic, social, economic, justice, etc., she’s been in the fold as a current ex-first lady, ex-senator, and ex-secretary, and you are presently observing the results of her work.

    It’s all in the trash can, her only accomplishment is being careless.

    Prepare for the end if she’s elected. It’s no joke.

  5. Here it is again. I just can’t get over it.
    National Review, The Week, 7/11/16 p4.
    (The hapless Trump)
    “Trump’s floundering has revived talk of a convention revolt. Such a scenario would require a rules change and defy the wishes of Republican primary voters. (Dat be us) They (we) knew of, and presumably discounted, his inexperience,ignorance, and instability. But did they (we) reckon on flat-out incompetence.”?
    That, for me, was the last straw.

  6. Our biggest enemy is the asshole living in the White House.. that guy is worse then Hitler and Stalin combined. Just an observation but, perhaps it’s because he’s bi-racial and has taken up sides with the blacks. I bet he gets off when a white cop dies. Notice how he never accuses the black cop killer, instead he always blames the gun..
    I just hope that Trump wins and cleans house – top to bottom. Some of those assholes don’t even deserve to be a door greeter at the local Walmart.

  7. ricky i like door greeters. They perform a service for the community.
    The only job i want these traitors to do is licking the toilet bowls clean in the guards restrooms at the prison where they will spend the rest of their lives.

  8. Stark Contrast? I went looking for examples of Trump’s ability to, as Ricky, above, wrote, “…Trump wins and cleans house – top to bottom.” In my search for ‘before and after’ pictures of some of his development rehab projects, the Commodore/Hyatt and Central Park ice skating arena being great (but certainly not the only) examples, I came across an article by blogger Don Surber, who wrote this piece at his Citizens For Trump site:

    The Thinking Man’s Guide to Donald Trump

    The piece is a sort of extract of his latest book, Trump the Press and was Surber’s comparison of Donald Trump’s leadership skills pulled from his own research as they compared to an article from Inc. Magazine’s “The Top 10 Skills Every Great Leader Needs to Succeed.” (12/14) Surber listed Inc.’s ten skills and gave examples of Trump’s background/history in each example.

    Trump the Press: Don Surber’s take on how the pundits blew the 2016 Republican race.

    There are only four reviews so far, but the book has only been out since the first of July. And they are worth reading.

    One would have to be completely retarded to not see the stark contrast and completely dishonest to say Killery would be an okay president.

  9. Brian in BC, why’d you stop there?

    “Crime is harmin(g)too many citizens.
    not better.”

    What the heck is “not better.” doing there all by itself? Something got edited and it was left behind.

  10. @AbigailAdams:

    Thanks for reminding us of the Wollman Rink. It’s not only a great example of Trump’s take-charge leadership style, it’s also a good indication of how Trump feels about government bureaucracy and red tape. Look for President Trump to do a lot of ood things that will benefit small businesses and encourage GROWTH and JOBS.

  11. “SACRED duty”??? For somebody whose party wants to obliterate God from our government, She sure can pile on the false piety, can’t she? And notice how she offered no “thoughts and prayers” like Trump, because all her friends think that’s just tacky. May the Lord send her an unmistakable sign that she cannot handle that which she seeks.

  12. @Thirdtwin — ” May the Lord send her an unmistakable sign that she cannot handle that which she seeks.”

    The Lord may or may not send a direct message, but voters sure will in November! 🙂

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