This happened in China.
— Chatur (@ChaturGPT) October 18, 2023
The police said that the driver of the green truck failed to observe the road situation and collided with the vehicles ahead
The car driver and passenger miraculously survived
They were later pulled out of the car before being rushed to a nearby…
20 Comments on The Crash Compactor
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China is asshoe
How does anyone survive being crushed like that? It proves to me that God’s existence is everywhere, even in communist China despite the Chicoms denial of God’s existence.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
DWO – Driving While Oriental
What the MD State Police used to call it.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
This exact thing happened many years ago in France on an icy road and two young teachers were killed. I remember it to this day.
The green truck was hungry again an hour later.
Crunch all You want…we’ll make more..(People)
Maybe the Green Trucks AI GPS determined that the Car’s Occupants had
had lowered Their Social Credit Score earlier in the Day.
I never knew they cold-forged whole cars.
God has a purpose for the 2 in the car that survived.
Dayyymmn!! This is why situational awareness is key. A good driver would get the hell out of the way. Just yesterday I saw the same but opposite nearly happen on the expressway, a little shitbox nearly rear ended a tow truck. The tow truck saw it coming and drove off onto the shoulder, avoiding collision.
couple years ago I10 just east of mobile AL was shut down for several hours till the coroner arrived
by the time we were passing thru we could see that a semi totally destroyed a suv the only thing left on that suv was the front bumper
Enemies of the State are exterminated in 1000 different ways. Seth Rich, Ronald H. Brown and Vince Foster agree with this post.
cato, trudat
remember that dead kid who worked for kelly loeffler & was dating brian kemp’s daughter?
one car accident burnt to the ground, same as michael hastings
Flex Seal!
So, says master TV huckster Phil Swift for Flex Seal. Is that really this turkeys real name? Sure, Phil, sure you make a boat out of Flex Seal and make it float. He’s the new snake oil salesman/conman like Ron Popeil was to an earlier generation of TV hucksters. PT Barnum was right, there are a lot of suckers out there who believe everything these phony hucksters sell. Maybe that’s why joey is also Presidunce.
There are lots of videos of Chinese traffic cameras on the internet tubes. Six people on a little motorcycle defying a dump truck to get out of the way, little kids strewn about as the dump truck grinds over the bike and a couple of the people and continues on its way. All manner of what seems to be idiocy. One had two little motorcycles loaded with people approaching one another in a big empty intersection, neither would give way and, sure enough, a head on collision with kids flying every which way.
Well it God saved them, why didn’t he stop the truck before it hit them?
Believe whatever BS you want, but keep it to yourself, please?
Yes and the Chinese have a man, maybe a whole colony living on the moon. Believe what you will…
The Whole car is a crumple zone.