The Crucifixion of Trump – IOTW Report

The Crucifixion of Trump

From Bubba’s Brother-

Townhall/ Will Alexander-

Trump is light years from being Jesus, but the hatred of his enemies has reached biblical proportions.

When Jesus opened the eyes of the blind on the Sabbath Day, his accusers were so enraged that they missed the fact that – in all of human history – it had never been done before.   When Jesus hung out with the common people, his accusers called him a glutton and an alcoholic.   When he mesmerized “multitudes” with his speeches, his accusers twisted the meaning of his words in an effort to trap him with ecclesiastical riddles.

Finally, when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, his accusers hardened their resistance, dug up false witnesses with conflicting testimony, and instigated mobs of protesters to chant “Crucify him! Crucify him!” It didn’t matter that the prefect of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, repeatedly told them that Jesus was innocent; that he had broken no Roman laws.

What made them so cruel?   Because “this man does many miracles,” the chief priests and Pharisees said.  “If we leave him alone, all men will believe in him.”  And if “all men” believed in him, the establishment would lose power.

Like Jesus’s accusers, Trump’s accusers lust for power.  Under the pretense of some righteous cause, they’re scorching the Earth to get it.

If his accomplishments are not political miracles – given the historic odds against him – I’m not sure what to call them.

But his accusers shrug off the “miracles” because they’ve hypnotized themselves to believe he’s a fearmongering race-baiter who hates women, homosexuals, Muslims, Mexicans and blacks.

f he’s all these things, they say, then he’s evil.  If he’s evil, then the country is in a crisis and extraordinary measures must be taken to resist him.  They’re in a collective trance.


13 Comments on The Crucifixion of Trump

  1. Buckle up, because it’s going to get worse. The Dem’s know they are screwed if the Republicans hold the Senate (which looks like the case); their dreams of impeachment go out the window. They can block legislation until 2020, but they also know that Trump just might win 4 more years. Either way, the TDS is going to continue and heads will keep exploding.

  2. Meerkat – I’m guessin’ that you didn’t read the column based on your comment. The writer makes several valid points about Trump’s fevered opposition behaving like the Pharisees that wanted Jesus done away with at all costs (even having him murdered) in order to maintain their own status and power in the Jewish society of the time. As Christians, we know that Christ had to die like he did to fulfill God’s plan (Psalm 22 written 1,000 years before the event prophecies the crucifixion of Christ). But the motives of those that hated Christ when he was on the earth have some striking parallels to the enemies of Trump today.

    He clearly tries to avoid a comparison of Trump with Christ, but rather points out some of the similarities of Christ’s enemies to those of Trump, or more accurately, the enemies of America and all that is good and Holy.

  3. Research history, the childish pissing match we all have endured in our own lives. MMTB (More Money than Brains) after having no financial hardships. After that just the mental illness of living forever. You only live while you breath. Allowing selfish trash that has determined you no longer deserve that right, based on their pockets, as long as they do. So ignore it, your time is numbered to them. Which they keep counting on.

  4. Trumps actions and policies are shining a bright light on the Left and they can’t stand it. They want Trump dead because he exposes them for what the are, “White washed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside….appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.” Matt 23:27-28

    He is showing them that they don’t know the economy, that they support fake science with their gender theories, that they hate America with their border policies and that they probably lie more than he does, but they claim to be telling the truth with no bias whatsoever.

    Below encapsulates the Left

    Isaiah 5:20 King James Version (KJV)
    20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

  5. ChristianPDX – Thanks, agree. Yet, history is not truth. Seen daily delivered as fact. Just forced agenda and propaganda. Was raised and educated in them. No different then than now. No offense, just have resolved myself in reality. If you depend on any news today, your just kidding yourself about the informants of ‘reality’.

  6. when they go very low i.q., i just play some music to drown them out.

    Blood Sweat & Tears – And when I die

    Album – Studio version

    Soundstage 1976

    Live 1972

    Blood, Sweat & Tears ‘And When I Die’ – California Mid State Fair 7/26/18

    The story behind And When I Die, by Blood, Sweat and Tears

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress…

    these people are so off their meds, it’s like lucretia macevil is running for some political office in this mid term and here’s their campaign song

  7. It was much more risky to be a disciple, much less an apostle of Christ. No one is feeding a rifleman to lions, beheading, torturing or crucifying a trained and armed patriot. Fuck that.

    Given the bloody fighting that my be inexorable however, I do worry for my soul. I can turn that worry off.


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