The Cut – IOTW Report

The Cut

The Washington Post has an ongoing post that shows which Republican candidates they believe are going to be in the first debate on August 10 on FoxNews.


FoxNews will select the 10 candidates to attend the debate based on “the average of five most recent national polls, “as recognized by Fox News.”


But Fox isn’t telling which polls they recognize.  So candidates on the margins (like Perry or Christie) may or may not make the cut and another hopeful (like Santorum or Kasich) just might.




26 Comments on The Cut

  1. does it really matter if there are 10 or 16 people up there? these are not debates each candidate will get to say their talking points.

    I would rather have all of them up there real unplanted questions from the audience out of the blue thrown at them. The question remain captioned under the candidate while he or she answers that question.

    the only purpose of the moderator is to hold the candidates to a specific time and remind them of the question if they go off topic.

  2. Agreed, if for no other reason than for the optics of – being realistic and salesman-y – a woman on stage.

    I like some of what she says; I don’t like her business/work record.

  3. Debate my ass. 10 candidates of which at least 6 are losers will give a spiel why they should be president. The repugnicant party has already chosen Yeb Bush as the 2016 election’s losing candidate. America is fucked.

  4. Hasn’t been a Presidential Debate since Kennedy-Nixon.

    Call it what it is: fluffed up bullshit.


    We’re doomed, I tell ya … DOOMED!

  5. Big wow, an inane quasi-blather fest (talking points update) among
    only ten of the sixteen candidates! We already know where and
    on what issues they stand. The told us when the kicked off their campaigns and every day since. For instance, Jebby just loves amnesty for foreign criminals, common core and has total disdain for the conservative members of the party. Nothing has changed nor will it. No debate (ad, endorsement, or sob story) will ever
    on God’s green earth get me to vote for that fool, nor Gramnesty, Pataki, Kasich, New Jersey Fats, Eye Glass Perry or Mr. Eight Ganger Rubio! I highly doubt I will even watch old Murdock’s trumped up Fox farce and viagra selling vehicle.

  6. While he doesn’t have a chance, Pataki is solid. I’d like to see Carly up there but I’ll be watching none the less.

    Rubio could promise me the secret to a porn dick and I still wouldn’t vote for him. He went DC native faster then anyone I’ve ever seen. Was backtracking and lying before he even had his bag unpacked.

    Kasich and Christie are an absolute waste of time. Carson too, nice guy but waaay too placid.

    Huck, Santorum and Perry are also grasping at straws.

    And Graham? Is he mental?

  7. Glad Cruz is “in.” McConnell deliberately lied to Ted Cruz to get him to change his vote on the trade bill. McConnell knew a Cruz “switch” would undermine Cruz’s presidential prospects with his Conservative base, once ImEx Bank subsidies were exposed.

    That left Cruz little choice – he HAD to “out” Mitch as a turn-coat.

    Cruz had to preserve his word to his supporters and regain his good name – which is all any of us really has in the end.

    McConnell just tried to sabotage Cruz’s election prospects!

    Mitch is LOWER than Harry Reid, he’s an establishment RINO-from-Hell, crony-capitalist “Washington Party” creep of the highest order.

  8. OXI !!! Pataki is running? How many RINOs does that make?
    A Greek republican politician is just itching to go Democrat. *spits*
    I can’t trust them. Sorry. (And this is coming from a half Greek)
    And Christie, huckabeast, and everything except for Jindal and Forina, should be off the list.

  9. August Madness

    Gimme Cruz, Fiorina(she had that really cool wolf in sheep’s clothing ad years ago), Jindal (in cowboy boots), Paul, and Walker. The rich blond guy can come if he pays the tab for my guys up to the R convention.

  10. Thanks for this link!

    Based upon the full bracket, here are my choices for the debate:

    A – Trump
    B – Carson
    C – Huckabee
    D – Jindal
    E – Walker
    F – Cruz
    G – Fiorina
    H – Rubio

    Don’t want any Bush, Perry, Pataki, etc., that are total RINOs. Even Rand rubs me the wrong way. Love his domestic agenda but his international agenda scares the beejeebus out of me.

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