The Daily Mail Unloads a Poo in the Form of Writer James S Henry – IOTW Report

The Daily Mail Unloads a Poo in the Form of Writer James S Henry

This moron thinks he’s just cracked the Trump Russian Connection.

A Russian guy once bought a Trump-owned mansion, and the sale didn’t reap profits in the long run for the buyer.

That’s it. I’m not kidding. That’s the guy’s story.

The Oligarch Files: Did a billionaire fertilizer baron bail out Trump by paying millions over the odds for this gaudy pleasure palace? And is THIS the Russian connection that could return to haunt the presidency?

  • Trumps’s election campaign was bedevilled by allegations of links with Kremlin
  • Story of Maison de l’Amitie is example of Donald Trump’s connections to Moscow
  • Close scrutiny of The Donald’s business history now suggests that if there is a real concern about Russian connections, it may instead lie in hard financial facts 

Read more:
It is such weak sauce. It’s pathetic. I almost, almost, feel sorry for these loons. I would if the overwhelming feeling for wanting them dead didn’t supersede.  Losers, the lot of them.


7 Comments on The Daily Mail Unloads a Poo in the Form of Writer James S Henry

  1. This really is suspicious. The same Russian billionaire just lost $150 million on 4 pieces of artwork he purchased a few years ago.

    I just know that somehow, some way that Trump held some kind of ownership in the artwork and it was just another sneeeeaaky scheme for the Russians to covertly pay off Trump’s campaign debt.

    What? Trump financed much of his own campaign and didn’t have any campaign debt? That’s what the Russians WANT you to believe so they can blackmail him over it.

    Look for this breaking news on CNN in a few hours.

  2. These idiots writing this drivel should read the news every once in a while. If they did, they might realize that this Russian billionaire has a long track record of not being the most successful investor when it comes to speculative investments. Apparently the guy has so much money that he really doesn’t care how he spends it.

  3. Meanwhile, it is a FACT that the Democrat’s false messiah purchased his Chicago home and adjacent properties at below rate prices from federal convicted felon Tony Rezko.

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