The Daily Wire Says This Mag Cover Looks Like De Blasio is Ready To Step on Little People – IOTW Report

The Daily Wire Says This Mag Cover Looks Like De Blasio is Ready To Step on Little People

I think it looks like he’s ready for you to unzip him.

It’s a disturbing angle…

Looks like Bill De Ballsio.

What genius thought this was a good idea?

Oh, I know!


ht/ illustr8r

13 Comments on The Daily Wire Says This Mag Cover Looks Like De Blasio is Ready To Step on Little People

  1. Those are Both Creepy… I Have an Overwhelming Desire To Cut Him Down To Size, and I live No Where Near Him ! How Does He Not Get His Ass Kicked, His Imaginary Ego Centric World Wouldn’t Last Long Here !!!

  2. Quick, all you little people! It’s Gullible Wilhelm, the Egoost Giant of Gotham! Get all the rope you can! We’ll topple him and tie him to stakes on this huge wagon and we’ll ‘parade’ him throughout Gotham and Yonkers! Then we’ll leave him in Hell’s Kitchen to die!

    And sooo..the little people of Gotham lived (almost) happily ever after!!!

    P.S.: And that’s why Greetings From Yonkers first screamed…then laughed herself silly!!!

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