The Dam is Starting to Break on Biden – IOTW Report

The Dam is Starting to Break on Biden


“This is really, really important. The dam is starting to break — truly the first time you’ve had somebody from inside the government who has said, ‘Wait a minute, the way this is being handled is wrong,’” he said, praising the whistleblowers who could otherwise retire and have comfortable lives.

“Based on what they’ve told us, is that under ordinary circumstances, Hunter Biden would, right now, be facing indictments not only for tax evasion charges, which are felonies,” but also for violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), Schweizer explained.

“The U.S. Attorney in Delaware wanted to bring charges in both of those areas and was blocked by the Department of Justice (DOJ),” he said, explaining that the revelations also reveal that the DOJ not only failed to do its job but applied a different set of standards to Hunter.

“We’re gonna call the person that is the subject of the search warrant. We’re going to call their lawyer and let them know a couple of days in advance that the search is coming,” he said, speaking of the special treatment issued to Hunter Biden.


25 Comments on The Dam is Starting to Break on Biden

  1. Let’s hope the Bidens are SO corrupt and SO incompetent that even with everything stacked in their favor they won’t be able to continue the coverup. Please Santa, it’s all I want for Christmas.

  2. I hope they were federal agents and I hope they suffered serious wounds. They are enemies of the American people and deserve to be hanged along with the people who put them up to this.

  3. So when does the damn dam break on the damn bought & paid for, obedient knee-pad media who has known what’s what and who’s who since the damn git-go??? The Media in this county are the real power-brokers who have operated under the radar for too damn long!

  4. “We already see polls, Harvard Harris poll, showing a comfortable majority of Americans, including independents, fundamentally believe that he was engaged in criminal activity to aid and help his family’s business,”

    And yet, 90% of democrats would still vote for Pedo Joe in 24 against ANY republican. Yes, they are that stupid.

  5. SO EFFING WHAT!!!! What happens to Pedo Joe and his Family Crime Syndicate is IRRELEVANT as far as the rest of the country goes. Because he is NOT IN CHARGE of anything. He’s a figurehead. The quintessential puppet. Take him out of office and NOTHING CHANGES.

  6. If you knock Biden out of the race, they’ll put somebody else in that looks 100x’s better than Biden.
    I want that BUFFOON to RUN AGAIN. Then Trump has a chance to beat the CORRUPT ELECTION!

  7. The Pedo is done, while I agree that nothing will change because he and the Magic Negro were simply meat puppets and front “men” the signal has been sent to jettison the pervert.

    He will come out soon and drop his current faux campaign thereby taking the Commie Cunt down with him.

    They wanted to string him out with his fake campaign till the convention that nominates Queen Manchelle but their is actual fire now and he has lawyered up.

    Like all arrogant elitists they pushed to far. Flaunting Humper in front of the world while Garland sucked his dick was just to much.

    The MSM knows the worm has turned and soon it will be open season on the Pedo.


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