The Dangerous Candace Owens – A Black Woman Who Sees Right Through the Racist White Leftist – IOTW Report

The Dangerous Candace Owens – A Black Woman Who Sees Right Through the Racist White Leftist

ht/ c. steven tucker

19 Comments on The Dangerous Candace Owens – A Black Woman Who Sees Right Through the Racist White Leftist

  1. I’ve told this before but this is a good place to say it again. Our Secretary of State (Alabama) for every election since he was elected about 6 years ago, he has given his personal phone number out over the airwaves (MULTIPLE times on the radio and TV). He invite anyone who was unable to get an ID to call him and he would personally have that person driven to a DMV or send a mobile unit to their home. He has never received one phone call–not one. We have had voter ID laws in this state for many many years.

  2. She may not be quite ready for prime time, but she is damn close!

    Let’s put it this way, if she ended up winning the primary, I’d vote for her in a heartbeat.

  3. “She’s receiving $ many millions for doing what she does.
    On that basis alone, I have no confidence in her.”
    So isn’t the NAACP, ACLU and the SPLC, I suppose those are much more trustworthy organizations.

  4. Her sarcasm has truth to it. Black voters ARE low information voters. Maybe because blacks tend to be quite racist while democrats give them a free pass by stating blacks can’t be racist. Show me an election where 90+% of blacks don’t vote for the party that keeps them in chains.

  5. Corky…

    Want to Thank You, for the University of South Alabama.

    Had great times in Mobile while living next to my Great Aunt and Uncle and spending the best times of my life there.

    Will never forget. Thank You, from the bottom of my heart.


  6. Some of the things Candace says about the Democrats are vicious enough that I am convinced she believes them.
    That’s how I gauged Trump to be legitimate. He would say things a RINO fake would NEVER say.
    That’s what convinces me.

  7. The dirty, little, secret is that democRATz are into Plantation Building and dividing people along all lines of Race, Color, Creed, Sucess, Gender, Sexual Preference and ginned-up accusations of so-called White Supremacy! They “win” in the subsequent chaos!

  8. She is very smart and very quick. She took apart a white liberal woman who was trying the “You’re not really black” routine on her. So far, so good. But some people turn RINO and we have to watch all of them carefully. No more Mitts, no more McConnells.


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