The Dash Cam Never Lies – IOTW Report

The Dash Cam Never Lies

Dorothy Bland, Dean of the University of North Texas of Journalism, was out power- walking down the middle of her suburban street waving her arms like a lunatic when she was stopped by police and told to get to the side of the road to avoid being hit by a car.

Dorothy Bland

Dorothy took exception and wrote a newspaper column on how she was harassed for “walking while Black.”

Only now the police dash cam has been produced and this highly educated and privileged individual looks like a thin-skinned lunatic and a liar.


There are those that claim the cops used safety as an excuse to stop and check on Dean Bland.  Because walking down the middle of the street waving one’s arms like a crazy person is something people do all the time.  Good for the cops making sure she wasn’t having a mental break and needing medical care.

22 Comments on The Dash Cam Never Lies

  1. so…..they could tell her skin color from the back, through the ‘hoodie’, gloves & clothing…..yeah…..right

    Obama will invite her to the White House for a photo-op w/ Clockmed

  2. She should try walking while white for a change of pace.

    I recommend Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, L.A., New York, St. Louis, East St. Louis, Houston, Miami, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Washington, D.C. or any other metro thug infested area.

    Good luck, you won’t have to worry about writing any article about racism….. you’ll be in the hospital or dead…….

  3. Daryl Gates, former Chief of LAPD, in his autobiography explained why he pushed his officers to aggressively enforce ticketing for jaywalking.

    He wrote that during his first year as a young patrolman he went to the accident scene caused by a jaywalker. The dead man laying on the pavement had no arms.

    The man had walked in front of an oncoming large truck and when he extended his hands to stop the truck his arms were ripped from his shoulders and remained sticking out of the grill of the truck.

    I guess Daryl Gates was a strong supporter of the right to have arms.

  4. Funny how Miss Black and Proud lives in a LILY WHITE hood and the ignores the sidewalk built for humans to walk on and then claims racism after being told to act human and not like a monkey escaped from the zoo…..guess that $400,000.00 reverse discrimination position of hers has made her lose her mind…..

  5. being the white privileged racist that I am…

    I could clearly see from behind that this person was black by the way they were dressed and the way they were walking.

    now all the arm waving and probably talking to herself is indicative of stoned out crackheads.

    I saw nothing from the video to throw suspicion on the police for ulterior motives other than the one officer saying “know what i’m saying” in black dialect.

  6. Quite the game she’s playing in the video – pretending to be polite, while making not-so-subtle, passive-aggressive protestations for what she implies is an unjust stop. I wouldn’t like being bugged by the police, either, but I would keep my mouth shut, be polite, and bitch about it later to my family and friends, not whine at them and write a newspaper column about it.

    When’s the last time you saw a woman actually wearing the hood on a hoodie? Could Dorothy be trolling for trouble on purpose?

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