The Deconstruction of the Mass Hysteria We Are Witnessing From the Left – IOTW Report

The Deconstruction of the Mass Hysteria We Are Witnessing From the Left

Here is the mass hysteria broken down by Scott Adams- (There is more to each section.)

1. The trigger event for cognitive dissonance

On November 8th of 2016, half the country learned that everything they believed to be both true and obvious turned out to be wrong. The people who thought Trump had no chance of winning were under the impression they were smart people who understood their country, and politics, and how things work in general. When Trump won, they learned they were wrong. They were so very wrong that they reflexively (because this is how all brains work) rewrote the scripts they were seeing in their minds until it all made sense again. The wrong-about-everything crowd decided that the only way their world made sense, with their egos intact, is that either the Russians helped Trump win or there are far more racists in the country than they imagined, and he is their king. Those were the seeds of the two mass hysterias we witness today.

Trump supporters experienced no trigger event for cognitive dissonance when Trump won. Their worldview was confirmed by observed events.

2. The Ridiculousness of it 

One sign of a good mass hysteria is that it sounds bonkers to anyone who is not experiencing it. Imagine your neighbor telling you he thinks the other neighbor is a witch. Or imagine someone saying the local daycare provider is a satanic temple in disguise. Or imagine someone telling you tulip bulbs are more valuable than gold. Crazy stuff.

Compare that to the idea that our president is a Russian puppet.

3. The Confirmation Bias

If you are inside the mass hysteria bubble, you probably interpreted President Trump’s initial statement on Charlottesville – which was politically imperfect to say the least – as proof-positive he is a damned racist.

If you are outside the mass hysteria bubble you might have noticed that President Trump never campaigned to be our moral leader. He presented himself as – in his own words “no angel” – with a set of skills he offered to use in the public’s interest.

4. The Oversized Reaction

It would be hard to overreact to a Nazi murder, or to racists marching in the streets with torches. That stuff demands a strong reaction. But if a Republican agrees with you that Nazis are the worst, and you threaten to punch that Republican for not agreeing with you exactly the right way, that might be an oversized reaction.

5. The Insult without supporting argument

For the past two days I have been disavowing Nazis on Twitter. The most common response from the people who agree with me is that my comic strip sucks and I am ugly.


ht/ nm

12 Comments on The Deconstruction of the Mass Hysteria We Are Witnessing From the Left

  1. I don’t care what their fucking problems is, you are either threat or non-threat.

    Hysterical acts of violent stupidity or cold calculating murderdeathkills all get the same response; lead.

    Seriously, you simpering cunts think the MEN out here in America aren’t ready to just fucking put a volume-and-violence stop to this shit? Is that what it’s going to take?

  2. So many of the Leftists posting at Adams’ site *confirm* his premises. After awhile, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel…but I don’t want to harm the barrel.

  3. D’Souza describes the Left (or Democrat party) by referring to the opening of Dante’s Inferno in which the rebel Satan and his minions are thrown from the sky into Hell where they then shamble aimlessly, bumping into one another and mumbling plots and schemes against God and humanity.

  4. It is because of the Democrats that the Republican Party emerged. And they have been pissed at them ever since, because they took their slaves from them. Since then, they have been trying to get them back.

  5. I was insulted yesterday for a comment I made on the short sightedness of destroying confederate statues. The comment provided no reason why my observation was stupid, he merely declared that it was.

    The left does this all the time. No supporting argument for their position, just their absolute certainty that if you criticize them then you’re the problem.

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