The Deep State Licks Its Wounds as “National Day of Hate” Doesn’t Materialize for Them – IOTW Report

The Deep State Licks Its Wounds as “National Day of Hate” Doesn’t Materialize for Them

Liberty Daily:

Did you miss the “National Day of Hate”? It was yesterday. You may not have heard much about it because it didn’t actually happen, much to the chagrin of the Feds who tried to manufacture it.

As Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh noted:

Feeling bad for the feds this morning. They planned a whole “national day of hate” yesterday but nobody showed up. Probably want to make the psy-op a little bit less obvious next time, fellas.

Probably want to make the psy-op a little bit less obvious next time, fellas

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) February 26, 2023

Corporate media was just as hurt by the failure as the Feds. Here’s a Chicago’s Channel 9 lamenting the failed bonanza: more

9 Comments on The Deep State Licks Its Wounds as “National Day of Hate” Doesn’t Materialize for Them

  1. Reminds me of that 60s hippie poster, a hand clutching wildflowers, “What if they gave a war, and nobody came?”

  2. @ geoff the aardvark

    Correctly cooked brussel sprouts are awesome.

    VERY rare for even a restaurant to get them right.

    Last time the family took the EX out for her B-day, they had some form of Brussel sprouts ordered.

    I let the server know they were far inferior to the B-day girl’s regular fare. Just trying to acknowledge something good about her. All the faults she had – cooking Brussel sprouts wasn’t one of them. They were always soft, buttery, and delicious. And I had no taste for them before I married her at 21.

    Just had some yesterday at a customer’s home. While tasting pretty good, they still fell WAY short of hers. No, I did not let the host/hostess know of my critique. No point. They were plenty fine – better than most restaurants.


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