The delusions of a devoted daughter – IOTW Report

The delusions of a devoted daughter

Meghan McCain is delusional.

After the president tweeted about the bitter old snake and turncoat, John McStain, and his involvement in the Steele Dossier, Meghan tweeted this—>

I predict I will be banned by Twitter in the next several hours because nothing has cause me to tweet storm like this cow’s tweet.

Her father was a shitstain through and through.

I tweeted to her that his famous dramatic thumb’s down vote on the dismantling of Obamacare was simply a metaphor for where he was heading.

And that was my nicest tweet.

For the record, she is getting pig piled 50-1.

35 Comments on The delusions of a devoted daughter

  1. Correction: The media will never love Trump the way they did her father.

    The only other people who did were Democrats who needed a swing vote.

    Everybody else hated her father save a few Vietnamese prison interrogators who came to love his beautiful singing voice.

    A lot of folks bit their tongues when he died but you wanted to turn his funeral into a Paul Wellstone redux. Unlike a set of fake tits, you can’t by class.

  2. Sad, bitter little bint ain’t got the brains to go away.
    It reminds me of a failed presidential candidate who used to play kissy face with McCain, the two time loser. She won’t go away either.

  3. Dianny: which threads?

    The comment above. I rely on the commenters to express their feelings about it, that’s the way it stops. Just censoring it is not educational nor productive. – bfh

  4. Dear Meghan,

    You father was a LIAR and a CHEAT! Ask your mother. Ask his first wife. He is personally responsible for bringing down more US Air Force jets than any Russian, or any Chinese. People have died because of your father. Learn the truth. Your father was the evil Senator character from every movie ever made. He betrayed the voters, he betrayed his political party, he betrayed President Trump.

    May the imp-ish ghost of John McCain in hell haunt you forever.

    No Momma Obama

  5. How does her husband (some Big Shot at The Federalist) stay married to her?? Every photo of her–in recent months–shows that she is now twice the size she was when she worked at Fox. Bet she’s pushing 300 lbs. Growing bigger and bigger and BIGGER. Not a good sign for her emotional health.

  6. Megan, You suggest to Our President; that – No one will ever love you the way they loved my father… If your definition for love is homosexual, anal-sex, I suspect you are 100% correct.

  7. Maghan is a useful idiot, and ahe believes her own press.

    No one.loved mccain – he was just useful to the left and rhe rino establishment. In other words, he was a rat.

    It was a great day when he left the senate, whatever the reason.

    Now that we found out his role in the dossier business, his death is even less mourned, if mourned at all.

  8. Let us be reminded that it was John McCain that personally launched legislation as a member the armed services committee that halted and prohibited any further investigation into American POW-MIAs. That one action alone will paint him a traitor for eternity.

  9. Wax my ass Meagain, you’re old man turned his back on the American people because he hated Trump. He died a bitter old man. And that’s all I have to say about that.

  10. Kids love their parents, or at least they try. Even children of abusive parents tend to take the blame, wondering what they did wrong to make daddy such an angry asshole. So Meghan has a big blind spot for papa John, OK fine.

    I don’t.

    I wish he could die 20 more times with each death being more painful than the last.

  11. Watch out Meghogen, I’m coming for you too!!

    Signed: The Ham Sandwich that Killed Momma Cass.

    PS: Dianny, you gotta add a little spice to a thread now and then. They mention the Daily Beast, HuffPo, and other online rags here all the time, are you sad they don’t mention Wonkette too?

  12. I am a multi scarred vet of Nam and I never voted for “the Manchurian Candidate”!He clearly got “the kid glove treatment” by the Socialists! why? 95% of pow were either killed or maimed! He is/was clearly not maimed in any way!
    I was forced to watch GWB + BHO slap each others’s backs at this bast*rds funeral (on TV at gym) and was glad that these 2 progressives made clear my vote against Johnny was both proper and right! Go to He*ll and kiss my as- Meghan you America hating progressive!

  13. Ahhh… I don’t always read everyone before I comment because I don’t want to have anyone influence what I’m saying in advance.

    There should not be any links to that site. If you can’t make your point without linking to some bullshit, don’t make it.

    The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.


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