The Democrat 2020 Clown Car is filling up! – IOTW Report

The Democrat 2020 Clown Car is filling up!


WFB: Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii) said Friday that she will run for president in 2020.

“I have decided to run and will be making a formal announcement within the next week,” Gabbard told CNN host Van Jones in an interview schduled to air on Saturday.

“There are a lot of reasons for me to make this decision. There are a lot of challenges that are facing the American people that I’m concerned about and that I want to help solve,” Gabbard added, pointing to health care, criminal justice reform, and climate change.

“There is one main issue that is central to the rest, and that is the issue of war and peace,” Gabbard said. “I look forward to being able to get into this and to talk about it in depth when we make our announcement.”

Rania Batrice will manage Gabbard’s campaign. Batrice served as a deputy campaign manager for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) in 2016.  MORE



Sherrod Brown Plans Trip to Iowa.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio)–in the latest sign he is considering a 2020 run for president–is preparing to visit Iowa in the coming weeks, according to individuals with knowledge of the planning.

An Iowa trip would be the latest indication Brown is considering a White House run centered on the “dignity of work” platform from his 2018 reelection campaign, Politico reports. Iowa native Sarah Benzing, Brown’s longtime aide and current chief of staff, has ramped up planning for a possible run.

“Groundwork for Sherrod is just working through it with his family, first and foremost, and deciding whether this is a good fit and they want to go through it,” Benzing told Politico in an interview. “For us, because we’re less than a year out from the Iowa caucuses and when Iowa starts their early vote, I see my responsibility as helping to get an infrastructure ready should he decide that he wants to run. It’s calling people, checking in, making sure the fundraising apparatus is there—those sort of nuts and bolts of things.”


22 Comments on The Democrat 2020 Clown Car is filling up!

  1. “I like Gabbard a lot better than most of the other Dems.:

    Coming from a conservative. I’ve said this here before. She was the one I was worried about. If she makes it through the primaries the Socialist Media will do their damn best to get her elected. And she’s head and shoulders a better candidate than anyone else on that side that says their running.

    Think back, she’s the one who called Obama out for running guns. Ex Mil. To bad she’s a socialist.

  2. This Hindu Princess is going to cause a lot of problems for her Socialist/Communist/Democrat contenders. She is half rational. That’s the half that will confuse and confound the loony lefties that hijacked this political party.

  3. B_B : Blue Dogs Democrats won’t influence the primaries like they used to in Billy Clinton’s time. New York Senator Kristen Gillibrand is a good example of how the loony lefties have taken over the Democrat Party. She was a moderate when she was first elected to office in upstate New York. Hell, she was even endorsed by the NRA for her support for the Second Amendment. She was opposed to granting illegal aliens driver’s licenses. That was before she became a Senator and expanded her views to buy votes in NYC. Whatever is left of moderate Democrats won’t influence the selection of their presidential candidate. All the socialists will push aside the moderates in the primaries. Bernie Sanders has a higher approval rating than any of the front runners in this Clown Car.

  4. Once the Democrat Party decided that their future ability to remain in power depended upon the demographic shift in this country, it opened the floodgates to the illegal aliens that have become the reason moderates can’t get elected in places like California and Virginia. Might as well call it the Demographic Party. The primaries are going to be more fun watching than that film of the Hindenburg’s landing at Lakehurst.

  5. …no worries. When “Michelle” climbs into the clown car (very late so as to avoid having to debate), everyone ELSE is gonna jump OUT to avoid being crushed by that dude’s ample ass..

  6. @Marco January 12, 2019 at 9:31 am

    > Once the Democrat Party decided that their future ability to remain in power depended upon the demographic shift in this country, it opened the floodgates to the illegal aliens

    Right tool, wrong reason. The Party (Democrat and Republican are just jersey colours, that get pulled on and off, for this day’s show) was not then, nor is now, interested in the racial (now “racial”) mix of the herd. The objective is, and was, the Gini mix. The tools change, according to what is cheapest to use, this day. But the result is, was, and always will be, the same.


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