The Democrat Frontrunner For the Presidency Identified Al Jazeera as the Cutting Edge, Forward Business Model For News – IOTW Report

The Democrat Frontrunner For the Presidency Identified Al Jazeera as the Cutting Edge, Forward Business Model For News

No American should be looking to Al Jazeera as a go-to source for “real” news, for reasons that are obvious to everyone but a leftist, but praising their business model as something to be envied and emulated while they were struggling in America to make a prophet profit is simply embarrassing for Hillary.

Hillary’s little speech is probably where the idea for Al Jazeera America came from.

Lesson to be learned – Don’t listen to a leftist for business advice.

Al Jazeera America begins folding the tent.

hat tip/ Adam Baldwin

7 Comments on The Democrat Frontrunner For the Presidency Identified Al Jazeera as the Cutting Edge, Forward Business Model For News

  1. ’Tis but thy name that is mine enemy:
    What’s Al Jazeera? It is not hand nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part.
    What’s in a name? That which we call a rose,
    By any other name would smell as sweet.

  2. When we ate at the Red Lobster here in Bloomington a few months ago, they had al-Jazeera on the TV in the bar area…
    I complained to the manager, but he waffled, saying that it was “Al Jazeera America”… as if that made a difference.

    Never going back there…. they cannot recognize the enemies within?

  3. Allah’s jizzjar brought the old Algore-ass network “current” and someone thought ratings would be better? Then then hired the cast off “American” lefty news people and they felt it would help? The left, it they weren’t so damn dangerous it would be funny.

  4. Never tuned into AJA a single time. I’d already figured from news clips broadcast here and attributed to AJ that AJ America would have nothing to say that was worth hearing or true.

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