The Democrats have put their Nadlers in a vice – IOTW Report

The Democrats have put their Nadlers in a vice

Dan Bongino:

Rep. Nadler’s Calls for Impeachment Are Worse Than Pointless.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler confirmed in August that his panel is conducting formal impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump. He said that “hopefully by the conclusion of all this… by the end of the year… [we’ll] vote Articles of Impeachment on the House floor.” He and fellow Committee Democrats were on an “impeachment investigation” as they put it.

On Thursday the House Judiciary Committee approved a resolution outlining procedures for moving forward with an impeachment inquiry. The resolution was approved 24-17 in a party line vote.

Post-Mueller report, the calls for impeachment have inevitably pivoted from conspiracy theories about Russian collusion to claims of obstruction and corruption. 

Regardless, any such attempts at impeachment will ultimately fail.

If the articles of impeachment are brought to a vote on the House floor, Democrats will need a simple majority to approve it, which could happen in a party-line vote, but there’s no guarantee. The House voted in April to kill the first impeachment measure since Democrats took control by 332-95. The real challenge comes when the Senate has to vote on impeachment, where Democrats will need a 2/3rds vote in the chamber of Congress where Republicans lead 53-47 (with two being Independents).

So by that metric, impeachment would simply be pointless. But the Democrats pushing impeachment are already aware of that. They don’t actually want to see Trump impeached, they want the process of impeachment to unearth the kind of re-election campaign destroying information they hoped the Mueller investigation to find. more here

7 Comments on The Democrats have put their Nadlers in a vice

  1. if they get this by the end of the year they can run their Senate campaigns to elect D’rats that will promise to vote to impeach Trump … it’s a long-shot, but it will get the rabid-Anti-Trumpers out to vote & maybe elect enough d’rats to make Schmuckles the Clown majority leader

    … & da Penguin™ is in a tough primary race w/ money poring in for his D’rat opponent

  2. They’re just meeting to set up another meeting which will define what impeachment will entail. But before that, they will call for a meeting to agree on the meeting place, and ….
    Busy work. Bullshit.

  3. “They don’t actually want to see Trump impeached, they want the process of impeachment to unearth the kind of re-election campaign destroying information they hoped the Mueller investigation to find.”

    If that can be proved, then they all need to be brought up on congressional ethics violations, because they are using tax-paid resources and time to conduct opposition research for personal campaigns and for the DNC.


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