The DNC hires illegal – IOTW Report

The DNC hires illegal

Anti-American Democrats Busted By Judicial Watch – Hiring Illegal Alien To Work For DNC Is Against The Law.

illegal alien cindy nava

Judicial Watch is pursuing information which has come to light that the scofflaws of the Democrat National Committee have hired an illegal alien, Cindy Nava, to work for them as they craft their campaign and positions in preparation for the 2016 election, a violation of federal law. While ignoring federal law is standard operating procedure for the outlaw Democrats, challenging them on their abuse is also routine for Judicial Watch. On August 25th they filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission.  [more at the link]

14 Comments on The DNC hires illegal

  1. Of course, as we all know, the fucking law never applies to the fucking progtards. This fucking illegal will be working for the DNC, and nothing will be done about it. Meanwhile, that goofy woman in Kentucky will probably be in jail for months.

  2. Ignoring laws of immigration and illegal aliens, the bill of rights and constitution are acceptable. Releasing terrorists and traitors, arming islamic terrorists and allowing Iran nuclear weapons are also acceptable.
    But if you are a Christian and stand and live by the Word of God, you will be prosecuted and jailed.

  3. This will continue until we reassert our sovereignty and do away with the malefactors. The Demonrats hate America, and all for which it stands – as do the criminal conspirators known as the RINOs. All three branches of the FedGov and both wings of the Socialist Party thumb their noses at us, pick our pockets, and demand that we subsidize our own destruction. And we blow snot bubbles and bray about how “our” team’s doing this season.

    It is a little known fact that Germany made the Jews pay their train fare to the death camps.

  4. I bet she speaks English, unlike Jeb’s wife, Colomba. In fact, given all the white people pretending to be black, and all the men pretending to be women to further their agendas, she will probably be revealed as a fifth-generation American.

  5. What will the white dems and white rinos do when they start getting voted out by the invaders? It almost happened in chicongo the last mayoral election. Idiots dont realize once the invaders get the numbers, the idiots will be servants to the invaders

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