The DNC moves to separate itself from Hillary Clinton’s fundraising apparatus. – IOTW Report

The DNC moves to separate itself from Hillary Clinton’s fundraising apparatus.


MoeLane- This situation has been a long time coming: “The cash-strapped Democratic National Committee has hired new fundraising chairs to beef up the party’s efforts to raise the money to compete with Republicans in 2016.” The basic problem for the Democrats here is that the DNC is heavily – heavilyin debt: as of June of this year it had 6.2 million in debt and 7.6 million in cash (the RNC has about 16.7 million in cash, 1.8 million in debt).  That would be a remarkable flip from this point in 2011, when the RNC was crawling out from under a crushing debt load and the DNC was… not. So, what happened?

Short version: Barack Obama. Essentially, his organization took over the DNC infrastructure at the beginning of his term – OK, that’s not entirely strange – and then proceeded to use it to secure Barack Obama’s re-election, and nothing else. Ever wonder why the Democrats didn’t claw back more state and federal seats in 2012 than they did? It’s because that wasn’t a priority for the people in charge, thank God. Keeping Barack Obama in office was.  more


1 Comment on The DNC moves to separate itself from Hillary Clinton’s fundraising apparatus.

  1. The DNC is in debt? How can that be when Barack Obama is always fund raising?

    I’ve got a whole lot of questions about the money Obama raises at these fund raisers of his. There doesn’t seem to be ANY accountability as to where the money comes from, how much is given to him, where exactly does the money go, who gives him the money, are there third parties passing him money through the people there, and who gets the money that is handed over to him?

    As far as I know there is NO accountability of this money. This would make a great investigative story for an aspiring journalist.

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