The Donald – IOTW Report

The Donald


This was all over social media, sparked mainly by C. Steven Tucker.

ht/ Norman Einstein

21 Comments on The Donald

  1. Trump is a showman, not a leader.
    He’s driven by his gigantic ego and love of the spotlight.
    As far as doing the hard, unpopular work it will take to get the country back on track, I doubt very much that he has it in him.

    But he and his hair are definitely good for some laughs though.

  2. I agree with bob e. The site is cleaner and easier to read.

    I think the Donald could work either way with the GOP, meaning that he will surely draw fire from the liberal media (redundant almost) and so they’ll lay off such important matters as Rubio’s traffic tickets. But he could also damage other more reasonable candidates by his caveman political style. And he is richer than Hillary Milhouse Clinton. It will be fun to watch.

  3. “Trump is a showman, not a leader.”

    Have you seen the size of his organization? He’s a very successful CEO.
    This guy knows EXACTLY what the problems are. Much better than anybody else running. One of thing things he said during his speech was that voting for any career politician will only prolong the problem because they are all bought and paid for by Lobbyists and rich donors. He followed that up by saying he knows, he owns a bunch of them,
    If you did not listen to his speech you should. Rush all but indorsed the guy.
    Down side. He gets too angry too quick. He has ZERO patience for the media. And the biggest down side is he had me hooked last time around and bailed.
    One thing for sure is he will certainly bring some excitement to the debates. And I guess the first ones in August.

  4. Right Tim. If Trump could simply pocket his ego for a year and put his massive wealth and even larger mouth behind a Cruz or Walker… we might have somethin’…. but no, because he’s got a universe sized ego.

    Then again, Trump’s fanciful nuttery is a great sideshow to keep the lefties busy. I see him as useful for the summer.

  5. Tempted to go with Bad-Brad’s diagnosis too, but most conservative men and women I know see Trump as just a buffoon. They don’t count his business sense as enough. Not enough. He’s one third qualified for Prez. Of course that would be a super great improvement over the tribe in the government now.

  6. I know that Trump can get things done. He’s head and shoulders above the crowd of professional liars we have in power today. I’d love to see him win the nomination and the Presidency.
    But I still like Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, and Marco Rubio. I wish the rest of the field would just fade away. It’s obvious that the MSM want El Jebbo

  7. Tommy. If Killary get’s in we are done. A clear signal the takers out number the makers and we can all fold out tents up and move to Mexico. I hear it’s empty down there.

  8. I agree The Donald is smart when it comes to business…HIS business.
    But I still think this is just him playing with the media and getting people worked up, for the attention.

    @USN Dude, “he’ll comb and go”,
    Funny…is that a slogan for some hair product?
    If it isn’t, it SHOULD be.
    (Advertising background here.)

  9. Trump has gone bankrupt 4 times, and when the Trump goes bankrupt it’s the equivalent of small countries going under. Trump has a long history of anti-gun rants. the Trumpster has contributed the the equivalent of small countries’ economies to Hill-Billy(BOTH!). The Trump has long used the nation’s bankruptcy protection laws to enrich himself at OUR EXPENSE. When one of his megalomaniac enterprises bites the big one it NEVER comes out of his pocket, it comes out of investors’ pockets, the gov’t pockets, and that means OUR pockets. Trump is one of the world’s most successful conmen, which might suit him for politics, but not conservative politics.

  10. Bad_Brad is right.

    Also, if we keep electing the same type of politician, we’ll get the same type of government.

    Let’s put a VERY successful business man with great negotiating skills (take THAT Putin !) and give him 4 years to see what he can do.

    As I recall, there was a lot of skepticism about electing an actor. Seems that worked out really well.

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