The Dumbest and Most Dangerous College Professors – IOTW Report

The Dumbest and Most Dangerous College Professors


I was happy to see The Daily Caller include on their list a moron we highlighted this past year. The douche above is Adam Kotsko, a punchable face that thinks all white people alive now are culpableĀ for slavery.

That’s like putting Adam in jail because his grandfather was a pedophile. (I have no idea if he was… but if I was a betting man….)

See the rest here

14 Comments on The Dumbest and Most Dangerous College Professors

  1. We need to start a program back in our pre, primary, middle, and high schools across the fruited plain where insufferable pencil necked, pin-dicked asshats like this are spotted early, before it becomes a permanent affliction for them (and us), and bullied incessantly, as they would have been in the fifties, sixties, and seventies.

    The problem that academia and the wider society is now enduring is that these special snowflakes have been fostered along on a wave of unreality, under cover of Political Correctness and “everybody gets a gold star” and “it’s not fair” and “Equality”, well nigh on into middle age, completely unencumbered by any truth or reality. Such widespread douchebaggery! Beta males and dykes and trannies and self-loathing pussbags…RUN AMUCK!!!

    We could have slammed them into lockers, you think. Perhaps a well-placed undie-grundy could have stemmed the tide, you lament.

    But, no. We pussied out.

    And now, these rejects actually think that we care what they think!


    NOTHING could be further from the truth! In fact, most of us see that what’s really the prescription for these sad souls..

    A steeping mug of STFU and FOAD!

    It’s high time they were set straight. It’s tragic, these smug assholes that pockmark our campuses, but at least there’s something we can do to save the wee ones, the children.

    Swirlies for America.

    We can do this!

  2. Well I suspect the men espouse their views because they’re trying to bed some young coed in their largely make-work courses. The woman are making excuses for their own lack of confidence in their capabilities (notice most are teaching Black or Women’s study type courses) by making outrageous attacks on Men, Whites or White Men knowing that anyone who then questions their arguments can safely be condemned as a RACIST or a MISOGYNIST (unless he’s a black liberal male of course, protected species and all). Anyway with the exception of a few they all seem to be from obscure, nothing little colleges however they are still doing immeasurable harm to the young minds that they are indoctrinating and should be called to account for that.

  3. But it was black men who sold black slaves to white men, or didn’t you know that .. ass-HOLE.

    In other areas of immoral illicit commerce we tend to hold the seller just as culpable as the buyer, dont we .. ass-HOLE. I mean we dont have lesser penalties for drug dealers than we do for drug buyers, do we .. ass-HOLE

    In which case, every body is culpable, which means that nobody is culpable. So that’s the reason I wont be flaying myself with a cat of nine tails over something that neither I nor any of my ancestors took part in, if that’s OK by you …

    … ass-HOLE

  4. Get rid of Tenure.
    What other industry has a system where calcified old farts rule for life and cannot be removed for anything less than murder?
    Get rid of worthless 300K a year communist barnacle professors and administrators and make tuition affordable again.
    This douche-nozzle wouldn’t have time for stupid musings if he had an actual work load, like teaching the subject he was hired to teach.

  5. This is precisely why there should be NO government funding of “education.”


    You want “higher” education, pay some wag to “profess” his bullshit. They got no business forcing me to subsidize this manner of nonsense.

  6. Sheesh. . . . Reading through that insufferable list of who’s not, I felt my IQ drop at least 50 points. I hope that by doing something worthwhile and intelligently creative I can get them back again.
    Ohhhh, my aching head. . . . .

  7. Adam Kotsko…thinks all white people alive now are culpable for slavery.

    …if any fundamental assumption underlies our system, it is that guilt is personal and not inheritable.

    Korematsu v. United States (323 U.S. 214), Mr. Justice Jackson, dissenting

    (For those that don’t know, the Korematsu decision made the internment of Americans of Japanese descent constitutional. Libtards scream that it was unconstitutional. So that means they would support the dissenting opinion with the quote above. Wanna bet Douchebag Kotsko has never read or even heard of Korematsu and the quote above from that dissenting opinion?)

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