The Dumbest Man Ever To Be a Heartbeat Away From the Presidency Does It Again – IOTW Report

The Dumbest Man Ever To Be a Heartbeat Away From the Presidency Does It Again

Joe Biden is a dumphuck.

He’s an embarrassment.

What’s his latest pearl?


“In the 1900s so many women were dying at the hands of their husbands because they were chattel, just like the cattle, or the sheep, that the court of Common Law decided they had to do something about the extent of the deaths. You know what they said? No man has a right to chastise his woman with a rod thicker than the circumference of his thumb. This is English Jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change. It’s got to change,” Biden demanded.

This idea has been debunked as a myth over and over and over again. But it’s not nearly enough times to penetrate the most dense of skulls sported by the 2020 democrat frontrunner for the office of the presidency.

Christina Hoff Sommers – The ‘rule of thumb’, however, turns out to be an excellent example of what may be called a feminist fiction. Is is not to be found in William Blackstone’s treatise on English common law. On the contrary, British law since the 1700s and our American laws predating the Revolution prohibit wife beating, though there have been periods and places in which the prohibition was only indifferently enforced. That the phrase did not even originate in legal practice could have been ascertained by any fact-checker who took the trouble to look it up in the Oxford English Dictionary, which notes that the term has been used metaphorically for at least three hundred years to refer to any method of measurement or technique of estimation derived from experience rather than science.

Biden said no man has a right to hit a woman, “unless it’s in self-defense.”

Yes. That’s already the law.

“No man has a right to lay a hand on a woman, no matter what she’s wearing, she does, who she is, unless it’s in self-defense. Never,” he said.

Yes, Joe. In fact, this is the case whether you’re a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. You can’t even beat up sheep.


32 Comments on The Dumbest Man Ever To Be a Heartbeat Away From the Presidency Does It Again

  1. I’m confused. “…white man’s culture…”?

    Chastisement in “white man’s culture” is certainly better than savage cultures where wives and daughters are stoned, shot, starved…

    And in other cultures freely given up to the soup pot.

  2. Joe apologized for being male, white, and over fifty. He’s a pandering phucking idiot.
    He never apologized for mauling little girls and women. “Creepy Joe Biden.”
    Check out Bill Burr “No right to hit a woman.”

  3. But if your woman attacks you with a really big knife or a nasty rolling pin, you can go outside and fire a shotgun off into the air to notify the police that there’s a bit of a problem inside the house. After all, this worked really well for the guests at Roman Polanski’s home back in 1969.

  4. Debating who is the dumbest Democrat is an exercise in futility, it’s like watching “Sunny”, conundrumed over who is dumber, Mac or Charlie?

    Biden’s nose is out in front only because of shear years auditioning, but I submit that Booker is hot out of the gate, more vapid, more racist,more entitled and far less accomplished.

  5. Biden also apologized for the way he treated nutjob Anita Hill. But neglected to mention the way he and the Liar of the Senate, Ted Kennedy, treated the Honorable Clarence Thomas. Biden is a 14 carat phucking idiot.

  6. Stop apologizing for white men, Joe. You might be self-loathing, but I am not.

    I DO NOT NEED to apologize for anything.
    I have not done anything wrong and being white and male is not a crime.

    I do not need to pay reparations since I was never a slave owner and there is not a single black slave from the South alive today.

    I am free to point out the self-inflicted plight of black culture with fatherlessness, crime, drugs, violence, and death that is fueled by the enfeeblement of the entitlement state with the war on poverty.

    I do not need to curb my critical comments on the horrors of barbaric islam, or the perversions of homosexuality, or the abomination of murder by abortion because I have First Amendment rights which trump your feelings.

    I say to everyone else, if you think you have a problem because of people like me, you need to look in the mirror. You are your own problem.

  7. They’re all in a rush to stir up the minorities hatred of whites.
    Stirring up racial hatred for political gain is more than just unethical it’s criminal and should be addressed.

  8. When you have no principles, no guiding philosophy, but you still want political power – you make shit up.

    Anthropogenic Globaloney Warming
    Put Ya’ll Back in Chains
    Green New Deal
    Universal Health Care
    Universal Basic Income
    Universal Suffrage

    No matter the stupidity or the impracticality of whatever line of bullshit you come up with, the RINOs will counter-offer with some other bullshit that’ll give you more power than you ever hoped for.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. “The ‘rule of thumb’, however, turns out to be an excellent example of what may be called a feminist fiction. Is is not to be found in William Blackstone’s treatise on English common law.”
    It’s actually an edict in a code enacted by the 6th Babylonian King, Hammurabi, 1792-1750 B.C.

  10. I knew Hammurabi … Blackstone, too.
    In fact, I’m the one who gave Hammurabi that “rule of thumb” cuz everyone kept beating the snot out of Helen Thomas with 2 by 4s. And Blackstone just edited my dictation – I was the real brains behind that whole treatise – though I don’t like to brag …

  11. Some years back Joe underwent brain surgery to remove a tumor. I’m absolutely convinced the surgeon mistakenly removed all functioning brain matter and left the tumor in place.

  12. “All of you women out there who are tired of taking daily beatings from your toxic white men…Well, just come on up to the stage and let me sniff you and give you a shoulder rub and let me touch the skin on your necks, arms and shoulders.”


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