The federal government announces that there were 818,000 fewer jobs created through March 2024 than previously reported – IOTW Report

The federal government announces that there were 818,000 fewer jobs created through March 2024 than previously reported

It’s the largest downward revision in 15 years. This is the “record job growth” Kamala always talks about

12 Comments on The federal government announces that there were 818,000 fewer jobs created through March 2024 than previously reported

  1. These people are such fucking liars. They better hope for a legion of morons to get legitimately elected. But, somehow, I don’t think getting legitimately elected has anything to do with democrat plans these days.

  2. This can’t be true. Just yesterday I was listening to the news and they said everything is going great. Prices are going down, employment up the Russians and Chinese are afraid of us and respect us. It must be true. The media said so.

  3. Wait till she starts hiring for “her” guvmint if she gets a chance….

    “grocery” price control clerks
    “insurance” adjustment agents
    DEI compliance police
    Gun confiscation bureaucrats

    and more!


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