The Federalist Forced To Drop Comment Section, ZeroHedge Black Listed – IOTW Report

The Federalist Forced To Drop Comment Section, ZeroHedge Black Listed


On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the Federalist Co-Founder Sean Davis stated that the Federalist never got any notice from Google over the threatened demonetizing of the site, it appears NBC “partnered with a foreign left-wing group in Europe to go after us and to use Google to go after us.” And vowed that the site’s comments section will return. More


As NBC News reports, Google determined that both The Federalist and right-wing website ZeroHedge violated its policy against monetizing content that “promotes hatred, intolerance, violence or discrimination based on race.” “When a page or site violates our policies, we take action. In this case, we’ve removed both sites’ ability to monetize with Google,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement to NBC. More

Even members of CNN slammed NBC News for using Google to attack right wing commentary on line. “Working to get websites you don’t like demonetized by Google isn’t journalism, it’s activism,” CNN editor Kyle Feldscher tweeted.” More

3 Comments on The Federalist Forced To Drop Comment Section, ZeroHedge Black Listed

  1. Is Spoogle (I just made that up. LOL!) going to threaten BigFurHat do away with the comment section on this site? They better not mess with iOTWREPORT. I LIVE FOR THIS SHIT!

  2. Antifa type trolls are doing drivebys at conservative sites that use DISCUS.
    They are rude, use profanity and call the opposition goobers.
    They are ruining the comments sections.
    It is like wrestling with pigs.

  3. For 60 years big business has defined extolling Americans as ,”…promoting hatred, intolerance…”
    Comcast with a market cap of ~$200 billion is BIG BUSINESS!
    How little things have changed since Ike.

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