The First Intersexual Feminist Vampire Movie – IOTW Report

The First Intersexual Feminist Vampire Movie

“Bit” features a transgender actor, Nicole Maines, (formerly Wyatt Benjamin Maines) who goes clubbing in LA and joins up with a group of feminist radical (self described terrorist) group of vampires that preys on “trolls” and “the privileged,” but also indiscriminately on the innocent.

Rule number one for these neck biters “Never turn a man into a vampire, men can’t handle power.”

Review Here

Trailer Here

Interview with Nicole Maines Here

h/t The Quartering

27 Comments on The First Intersexual Feminist Vampire Movie

  1. …seems like a pretty good fit to me, though, seeing as how these types and their supporters have been sucking the life out of this Country for quite some time now, and they just get more and more freaky while they’re doing it, you know, like a vampire would…

  2. …so, if the dude in a dress is actually a dude, accessories or not, what does this do to their “power” statement…

    …while we’re on the subject, what good thing are THEY doing with this “power” that they’re handling so well…

  3. Hollywood has been scraping the bottom of the barrel for a long time. Now it has broken through the bottom and they’re scratching at the real dirt.

    To retain a healthy mind, don’t watch this filth.

  4. “Never turn a man into a vampire, men can’t handle power.”

    …is THAT what happened to Barry “Obama”, then? Looks like a group “Michelle” would run with…

  5. Uh, yeah. I’ll be social distancing myself from that mess. It’ll be fun to watch them scream discrimination when they’re left off the Oscar nomination list, though.

  6. WDS MAY 3, 2020 AT 12:47 PM
    “Spoiler alert: It’s got scenes from Chaz Bono’s honeymoon.

    (Sorry y’all)”

    …which leaves open the question of whether this would be worse than the 8 years we had Barry Obama and that Michael dude going at in on White House sheets…you just KNOW the fawning media lovingly captured every ‘money shot’ in super close-up, probably pass the videos around at DNC conventions just to make the Democrat “men” feel inferior as compared to “Michelle”…

  7. Hollywood is more about making propaganda films hung on the structure of old established genres. Destroying what audiences once loved is part of the price they’re willing to pay to convey their “wokeness.”

  8. Probably a no talent hack, who who have been destined to say, “Would you like fries with that”, for a living.
    As far as I’m concerned, until the wiener gets hack off, it’s still a dude.


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