‘The Five’ reacts to Mueller’s first comments on Russia probe – IOTW Report

‘The Five’ reacts to Mueller’s first comments on Russia probe


You’ll be surprised at what Geraldo has to say.

14 Comments on ‘The Five’ reacts to Mueller’s first comments on Russia probe

  1. OT but related. . .

    Anybody else notice how quick syndicated columnist and fox analcyst Nappy Napoli was to spin agreement with Muellers remarks that President Trump must be guilty of something because Mueller couldn’t prove innocence.

    It was said long ago. Andrew Peter Napolitano is a corrupt lying POS. Fuck you Andrew Peter Napolitano and your little shep buddy.

    Have a slice and a smile.

  2. Quote from George Will on msNBC fee TV: “Nancy Pelosi is playing the long game”


    Hey George. . . Nancy Patricia p ə ˈ l oʊ s i née D’Alesandro Pelosi was born March 26, 1940.

    She ain’t got much long game left.
    Neither do you, George.

    May you find great value in Time Quotes about Time in my large inspirational quotes and sayings.

  3. Mueller really looks haggard and broken, as well as him you can see a marked change in Pelosi, Nadler and others. The stress of continuing this criminal cover up is wearing on them deeply and it’s manifesting in their physical appearance.
    That’s what happens when you try to destroy an innocent man.
    Cosmic justice!

  4. I wish they would replace Won with Jerry, unlike the scarecrow, at least Jerry has a brain.
    It’s hard to believe that Won was fired by NPR for not being NPC enough.
    Talk about not learning a lesson.

  5. Clusterfuck! Mueller is a snake. He guaranteed the American people another 18 months of democrat and media bullshit. Phuck him!
    Collusion. collusion, cover up, cover up, Russia, Russia, obstruction, obstruction, and on and on. I’m sick of it all.
    Nadler, Pelosi, Schumer, Swallowell, Biden, Sanders, the whole phucking lot of them couldn’t shine President Trump’s shoes.
    Phuckit! I’ll say no more.

  6. If Trump classifying those documents doesn’t result in something when they reveal illegal and corrupt activities and the Democrats use a lack of any evidence at all to move against Trump, then there is no hope for the future of our nation as a nation of laws.

  7. What Geraldo says isn’t reliable and never has been. First thing he does is hold a wet finger above his head to test direction of popular winds. He says red all week long, then when someone says yellow, he either plays devil’s advocate or says “I’ve been saying yellow all along.” Just seeing him on TV hurts my hair. Useless

  8. Muller’s maundering has re-energized the dumocrats impeachment spin loop. Be prepared (beer and earplugs) for a long drawn out, never ending political colonoscopy from our one sided MSM and their whiny puppet masters in Washington.

  9. MJA – yeah, at first I was surprised that Rivera would say Mueller screwed Trump but then he blew it when he said it was the same as Comey screwing over Killary in 2016.

    And he’s a lawyer? wtf? I thought his roots were as a hack tv reporter, “Jerry Rivers”.


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