The Forecast For Fargo, ND is MINUS 32 DEGREES – IOTW Report

The Forecast For Fargo, ND is MINUS 32 DEGREES

Chicago is expected to see -19˙ on Wednesday.

Detroit will be -14˙.

Green Bay, Wisconsin’s wind chill factor is expected to be MINUS FIFTY DEGREES!!

31 Comments on The Forecast For Fargo, ND is MINUS 32 DEGREES

  1. My mom described being in -28 degree weather as a grad student in the 50s, in Iowa. She had to cross a windy quad so with wind chill more like -40. And of course since it was the 50s she was not wearing pants.

    (As was the fashion those days…) You know what I mean.

    I have no intention of ever being in a place where it is below zero. Ever. 🙂

  2. I’m thinking about firing up the grill for dinner. Cold snap is on it’s way tomorrow. Just in time, my lawn was starting to wake up. Need a light freeze to keep it dormant for a couple more weeks.

  3. Fifty below was the wind chill for the legendary Ice Bowl game between Green Bay and Dallas. It was so cold that the refs were unable to blow their whistles .. because 1) the little metal tweet balls inside the whistle were frozen to the side of the whistle and 2) the only ref who tried to blow a whistle froze his lip to the whistle

  4. 3 to 5 inches expected here overnight, then back into the deep freeze the rest of the week. It was -22 when I trudged out to the pump house to get the space heater going to thaw the sensors on the well. Then I walked out to get the mail at the end of the road. It was fine so long as I could still breath through my nose, but coming up that hill I had to start mouth breathing and that’s when you really get that crisp Northerly goodness deep down in the lungs. The Weather Channel predicts we’ll come out of this by Thursday or Friday. So, there’s that to look forward too.

    Yep, it’s weather like this that keeps the real estate affordable.

  5. Our coldest Winter up here in Eastern Wash. and N. Idaho was 50 years ago during the winter of 1968-69. It was well below zero for about a month from just after Christmas in 68 until the middle of Jan. 69. There were some days when we were 30-35 degrees below zero, it was freezing ass cold with 6 ft. of snow on the ground. My mom was the designated driver to get us to HS for myself and some of the neighbor kids in our 53 Chevy Belair and one of the really cute girls who lived around the corner wore mini skirts all Winter. I don’t know how she did it but she did. I think that was the Winter we had a local transit strike and since there were no buses running my mom and some of the other moms ended taking us to school.

  6. Coldest I’ve been in is -35 absolute. The only thing that would start were the two-stroke snowmobiles or something on a block heater.
    Actually heard the Kee bird too.
    Got up in the morning, went outside and off in the distance the Kee Bird screeched:
    “Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-rist is it cold!

  7. These were fairly normal temps in ND/MN in the 1970’s. Car seats would freeze, become impliable and crack, gas would turn to slush; and to combat the cold when driving the Interstate we’d slip into sleeping bags.

  8. Old VW beetles were the worst at keeping you warm in the Winter. With their only heat being derived from the engine and a very weak fan the damned things were cold as hell and took forever to warm up. And I was constantly scraping the inside of the windows in my friends 58 VW beetle (with all of 36 gutless horsepower) to keep up with some sort of visibility so we could see when I rode with him when it was very cold. And believe me going over Snoqualmie Pass in the midst of a raging snowstorm in March of 1971 on our way to the State HS wrestling championships in Seattle was no picnic, we made it though. He also called that old bug Hitler’s revenge or more affectionately as the Bavarian buttfucker.

  9. In honor of FAKE NEWS the following correction is being corrected:

    “. . . because 3 day shipping didn’t exist”.

    “. . . because extra layers were cheaper”.
    “. . . and the automotive reclaimation aggregation facility took every february off”.

    “. . . and the automotive reclaimation aggregation facility took every January February and most of March off”.

    “. . . and the automotive reclaimation aggregation facility was open by March 15th but the heater was needed in January and nobody needs a heater in March when it’s 38 degrees”.

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