The gay community is in denial about Islamism – IOTW Report

The gay community is in denial about Islamism

SpectatorUK: It is almost two months since Omar Mateen walked around the Pulse nightclub in Florida, gunning people down while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’.  During the assault Mateen spoke to American law enforcement and swore allegiance to Isis.  Frustratingly Omar Mateen failed to called the group ‘so-called Islamic State’, thus betraying a woeful lack of linguistic sensitivity among his other crimes.


A few days later, very much in the shadow of these events, there was a ‘gay pride’ parade in New York.  The huge banner leading the parade at the front read ‘Republican hate kills’.  That is because after a moment’s stunned surprise the American gay rights movement did what all other Western gay rights movements have done, and decided to assiduously duck the issue of Islamic homophobia.  Having spent so many years believing that there was nothing more hateful than a Republican, when someone shouting praise to Allah and swearing allegiance to Islamic State killed 49 gay people America’s gay movement didn’t even bother to commission a new rainbow banner.  MORE

10 Comments on The gay community is in denial about Islamism

  1. In the Sunday paper they posted pictures of all the victims of the Pulse shooting.
    They were all young and seemingly fit individuals.
    So horrible that he could kill that many.

    Hillary HOSTING the father of the killer is FUCKING TREASONOUS!
    No other way to put it.

    Seriously, how can you legitimize such bullshit!

  2. They have been ingrained with the concept that Cankles is their demi-god..and they will not tolerate reality in opposition to their cherished can speak till you are breathless, makes no difference..talking to a jackass or mule has the same effect.. the lesbians vote for her because she is one…the gay boys vote for her because they think Trump is the antichrist and Barky hung the moon and stars…why, because he is one of them….so its all about self-identification…. they refuse to acknowledge ISIS because Barky loves the muslim terrorists…anything he wants they will give him. He whined yesterday he is “being forced out of the WH next January, not because his term is up….that’s a cue to them and the black militants to rise up and revolt to keep Barky in office… this is a well-choreographed dance of subversion and anarchy attributable to the gays, the terrorists, the black militants, Soros, and their champion the Barky….

  3. Silver lining: Sodomites might actually look upon the 2nd Amendment with some favor, now.

    I’ve always said, “when the shit hits the fan, even the most hardcore liberal will pick up a weapon.”

    We’re almost there, folks.

  4. “The gay community is in denial about Islamism”

    Why signal out the homos? The entire left is in denial about Islam. I comment about Trump’s plan to suspend moslim immigration at various leftie sites telling them that the more moslims, the more San Bernadinos we’re going to have. I tell them to look at Germany with 100s of women sexually assaulted in one night by moslims or a moslim luring children to a McDonalds and shooting them.. Or look at Sweden with it’s new title as The Rape Capital of the World. Or France with it’s no-go zones. Machete attacks. Knife attacks. Truck attacks. Caches of RPGs in mosques.

    I’m called every name in the book for pointing this out. White supremacist. Hater. Islamaphobe.

    Look at the scumbag POS in the WH. Why does he continue to import millions of these 3rd lowlifes with this kind of evidence staring him in the face?

    The truth is the left hates this country as founded. They’ve used their education monopoly to distort our history. To inflame the easily inflammable, low IQ blacks. They hate white people as the majority, even self hate by REgressive whites and will go along with this diversity nightmare.

    Hillary will unbelievably accelerate the importation. Those of us that can remember and are nostalgic for the years of RR, truly believe we’re living a nightmare.

  5. Tsunami, Lefties may pick up a weapon at that point, but I’d be *very* suspicious about which direction they’d point the barrel (not as much out of stupidity, but from ideology…i.e. joining the enemy).

  6. Hypocrisy is no stranger in the Land of the AB Normal, Fronkensteen Left!
    After all, these the same people who are for Gay rights and boycotting Chick-Fil-A, yet continue to buy gasoline from OPEC members who stone, shoot, hang and throw homosexuals off the top of buildings!
    They need to figure out that the Left surreptitiously operates their agenda-driven, two-faced cabal beneath a perceived protection of the Irony Dome of Political Correctness to weaken America any way possible and if America is destroyed by these cretins, they will be the ones on the top of Willis Tower looking at the last 9 seconds of their lives!

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