The German Jihadist – IOTW Report

The German Jihadist

Jurgen Hodenhoefer is all over the news today being the only Western journalist to venture into ISIS territory and come back to tell us about it. He views the foreign fighters as a bunch of brainwashed killers and the self-declared Caliphate as the worse form of murderous totalitarian state.

Perhaps the most enlightening revelation from Hodenhoefer, so far, comes from this interview with Abu Qatadah, the German Jihadist. Qatadah demonstrates just how peace loving the followers of the Caliphate are towards those who don’t share their beliefs.

Christian or Jew, pay the protection tax or die.

Shia, repent and accept our view of Islam or die, all 150 million of you.


The fatty Jihadi seems to think women are better off being sex slaves under ISIS than walk the streets in a Western city.

20 Comments on The German Jihadist

  1. Bibi, since the Hussein Oblowme regime is too busy entertaining queers and trannies, please send a couple of Mossad trainees to send this fat bastard to meet his 72 year old virgin.
    Thanking you in advance.

  2. @Willysgoatgruff – You got me thinking (dangerous, that). I wonder what sort of games little jihadi kids play?
    – dodge head
    – spin the IED (boys only)
    – button, button, who’s got the button that makes the vest go BOOM!

    any others?

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