The Global GREAT RESET and the Destruction of America as We Knew It – IOTW Report

The Global GREAT RESET and the Destruction of America as We Knew It

What is crystal clear is that Donald Trump was an impediment to this global plan by the world’s socialists – and he was taken out right in front of our eyes and no one is doing a FUCKING THING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!

ht/ billy fuster

20 Comments on The Global GREAT RESET and the Destruction of America as We Knew It

  1. We’ve been talking about a reset in certain circles in the deep corners of the interwebs for decades. The entire time we were labeled as kooky conspiracy theorists by mainstream goofs. Well, one thing for sure, some of us are ready, some are scrambling to prepare, and most will be caught completely off guard. For those who will never be ready, be sure to thank your media and politicians.

  2. There trying real hard to hit the reset button in California and it’s not working so well. Most Law Enforcement is not cooperating and in the areas they are people are rebelling. They push a little harder the pitch forks are finally coming out.

  3. If Windows and any other Microsoft products ever pissed you off (as Gatesbecame filthy wealthy),
    keep that in mind as he puts the screws to your insignificant (to him) little life.

  4. One “great reset” of the past was the French Revolution.

    It wasn’t so great for the Aristocracy, though, and the modern-day Elites would do well to keep that in mind.

  5. I’ve been saying for a number of years that the premise of the series “Designated Survivor” is the answer. You get them all. Congress, lobbyists, staffers, all of them. A nuke would take out all of D.C. which means that most of the alphabet agencies are gone too along with all the infrastructure.

    A guy can dream, can’t he?

    Go big or go home to find that your single family home now has three families living in it. Two of which you don’t know, they don’t speak English and they’ve brought chickens and a goat into the living room.

  6. “Our generation is the last that can do something about it.”

    But no one seems to know what to do, how to do it, or has any workable useful suggestions for how to go about it.

  7. Hopeychangey was supposed to have shoved this glorious future down our throats. He only got as far as the Stimulus, which included nationalization of the automobile and finance sectors, and, Obamacare, which nationalized student loans and, in conjunction with redirected stimulus funds, took over post-secondary education (just in time to take the first batch of grossly undereducated Common Core graduates), which were considerable steps in that direction.

    Ironically, the Manchurian candidate was rebuffed internationally, as the brahmins of the EU and hardline socialists like Chavez and Putin gamed the movement to put themselves forward at Pres. Limp-wrist’s expense. What a tool.

    Biden or Harris are tasked with finishing the job. It’s going to get really ugly really fast. This is what the nevertrumpers have done to us. Smug, self-righteous traitors.

    Does anyone truly believe that Republican dominated legislatures will back Trump? Do you think Republican dominated Congressional delegations will back Trump? He is anathema to those two-faced parasites. They don’t care if the election was stolen, as long as it is Trump who loses. They would sell their souls, if they had them, to be rid of him and us poor slobs who voted for him.

    What can we do? Well, the clean, articulate one gave us the answer, just ignore what you don’t like and do what you want. If that doesn’t work, he also showed us what democracy looks like.

  8. The world is spiraling out of control in a mad rush to create a one world order and crown their Antichrist as long. Demons and evil spirits are guiding the hearts and minds of those who have rejected the love of God in Christ Jesus. But it could not happen if God didn’t allow it.
    I am not a fatalist but a believer in the Bible being the word of God and according to God’s word things on earth will get much worse before they get better. But when things get better by Christ return and reign it will be glorious!

  9. I will fight the good fight, keep the faith and trust the Lord.
    DJT has been a blessing and slight reprieve from such darkness we see falling upon the world. Maybe we will be blessed with more from him or others who know what is happening. I would love to see a great awakening and revival in our land. God grant it.

  10. For the “Great Dictators” who want to visit this disaster on us, China will likely be their stalking horse.

    Who will come to our aid? And how will China try to destroy us? Mexico is a weak neighbor, and Canada with its current liberal government is not much better.

    What used to be an advantage, having militarily weak and docile neighbors, could become a terrible liability if the Chinese become strong enough to assert influence over those two countries, and especially Mexico.

    Just like the ancient Romans ended up with Germanic tribes and Goths on their northern borders (Cisalpine Gaul), whose warriors eventually sacked Rome, we could face military attacks from Mexico, fueled by Chinese money and weapons.

    People all over the world believe Big Brother: Weakness is Strength.

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