The Goodies and Baddies Just Ain’t What They Used To Be – IOTW Report

The Goodies and Baddies Just Ain’t What They Used To Be

An Uncle Al “Must See” Pick.

16 Comments on The Goodies and Baddies Just Ain’t What They Used To Be

  1. Kind of like what I’ve been saying for two plus decades. A buddy of mine stopped in yesterday when he saw me working in my truck patch. He asked me if I saw Tucker’s speech at the Federalist Society? I told him that I’d seen parts of it and need to sit through it in its entirety. He said Tucker was saying things he had really only heard me saying, that it goes way deeper than progressives being well meaning, but misguided – These fuckers are wicked and evil and if you aren’t actively opposed to them, you are with them.

    How it could be that it took so long for others to recognize this to be the case is beyond my ability to comprehend.

  2. Looks like we have to stand and fight. Voting fraud is no doubt alive and well lurking in the digital shadows ahead. It won’t get any easier waiting for a miracle to show up.

  3. We’re way past FAFO and it gets worse every day. Meanwhile people fight for their rights in France, Chile and elsewhere.

  4. The one thing I would question is his point that the US pays more on defense than the next 15 nations combined. Might that be because the US pays for their defense and they spend their money on things that allows them to lecture us about how they do all of those wonderful things for their people?

    Now it may be entirely possible that the reason the US is willing to spend all of that money is so they can channel it to American corporations with the requisite 10% going to whatever big guys happen to be in power at the moment.

    That is why all of the elite were on board with destroying Donald Trump. He didn’t play that game.

  5. “…Oligarchy – government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Oligarchies in which members of the ruling group are wealthy or exercise their power through their wealth are known as plutocracies….”

    Throw corporations and corporate lobbyists into the mix – made possible by the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling – and you have a powerful cabal that protects its own self interest at any cost at the expense of you and me.

    It’s a daunting task, but corporations have to be COMPLETELY removed from the political process. If not, our country will be destroyed. We cannot keep going down this path. We need a Trump second term for starters.

  6. Spot on about the Scots-Irish heritage. They got no GAF about authority in their DNA. The only sort that’s more intense are the homegrown lot –which explains a century worth of “the troubles” in Northern Ireland.

  7. “Spot on about the Scots-Irish heritage.”
    Beg to differ, but a great many of them emigrated to Canada after the Revolutionary War because they so enjoyed the servitude of serfdom.
    (and I am of Scot-Irish descent – not Canadian, however – not that there’s anything wrong with that …)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @ Tim-FJB: That may be true of them that left the Shenandoah Valley and fled to Canada. But them that’s left are dug in deep. They are fiercely independent of authority but loyal to family and neighbors, with a vicious sense of humor and no sense of decorum. I’m happy to have thrown my lot in with them, and very glad to have married a first generation Nor’nIron emigrant to ‘Merica who, by example and gratitude, reminds me of the value of the what this land stands for to the rest of the world.


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