The Great Reset – A Viking’s Perspective – IOTW Report

The Great Reset – A Viking’s Perspective

Ahh the crunching of stale snow. Damn, I hate snow.

Anyway, here’s my favorite Viking dropping some facts into the kettle of knowledge.

The Great Reset = “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

18 Comments on The Great Reset – A Viking’s Perspective

  1. He’s a pretty tame looking Viking. Just sayin’. Good wisdom, but Vikings should never have to explain why they want to own anything. But he’s a Swedish Viking, so that’s probaby the reason.

  2. No. He’s Norwegian. Hence, he doesn’t suffer from Stockholm syndrome. Then again, Norway has that hideous strength known as Barnevernet. (Child Protective, I mean, Trafficking Services)

  3. Every country has it’s flaws. But then again….not every country can lay claim to having put most of the civilized world to the sword.

    Not even for conquest. Just for something to do. My peoples ways speak to my soul.

    Anyway, this guy is peak WeeGee. He speaks and thinks slowly and deliberately. Out of all my Norwegian relatives I’m by far the fastest talker. Hell, this guy’s even from Oslo where my people came from.

    I just have blue eyes like the coastal fish eating peoples and he has brown eyes like an inland meat eater. Actually, he’d get along with my oldest brother. They’re just alike. I’d be up and pacing the longhouse while fingering an ax once he got past “It’s your duty to obtain wisdom.”

    I did like how we both like to burn stuff. Priorities, man.

  4. The only reason that the norse have red hair is because us Scots/Irish sent the filthy pagans wives home with our fertile seed….and that’s the truth….it explains the Ford Festiva, blue eyes and the red hair….

  5. We Scots/Irish had a hard winter and learned to stuff a sheep intestine with everything edible and small enough to eat…It could be rotten and perhaps an insect or rodent. We called it Haggis, but generally never ate it. It was like a fruit cake……Then we told the Norse that they could do the same with rotting fish, but we didn’t tell them that we didn’t actually eat Haggis, we made music with it…….those silly norse are still convinced that Lutefisk is edible and not a flat tire enhancer…

  6. Lutefisk tastes better than pickled Scotsman. Besides, you can’t be mad at us. We taught you to build defensive walls. Out of necessity.

    Guess the Roman lesson didn’t stick.

    Anyway, I think our collective heritages share one unifying principle that all North Atlantic peoples can agree on.

    War on Denmark.

  7. I agree….War on Denmark….War on the Danes…Why aren’t they called the Denes?….semantics…..They are actually closely related to the Norse. You’re cousins. You’re like a 150 lb lovable dog or a refrigerated 45′ semi trailer…..complicated….

  8. Denmark is the place where all the laziest Swedes and most unmotivated Norwegians met the dirtiest Germans.

    And then they had a 3 way in the mud and that’s the entire history of Denmark.

    A genetic blot that must be erased from history before it can do any more damage. Also, for like, science.

  9. Youse guys be funny.
    Dane, Norge, Swede, Irish, Celt, Finn, Scot, English, Saxon, Angle, Teuton, Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian, Pole, Norman – you’re all the same blood.

    Probably got a little mongrol and chink thrown in just for good measure.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS,
    I believe that is a strong possibility – considering that mankind may have his origins in Africa – and considering the mass migrations of the past 200,000 years.
    My personal take on DNA testing is that it’s a waste of time and money – you’re either human or a “leftist” – there’s nothing in-between.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. “Are these the sort of tests used to determine guilt or innocence in a court room?”

    Guilt or Innocence cannot be determined in a court room. Guilt or Innocence is determined the moment the crime is committed.

    The courts are white-supremacist bastions of the overarching, power-mad patriarchy to oppress the brothers (of color) and ALL the sistahs! Courts are theaters of the absurd which are activated to extract money from those who earn it and feed it to the parasitic maggots of the legal “profession.”

    DEATH TO THE … uhh … oh yeah … WHITE SUPREMACY!

    izlamo delenda est …

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