The Greatest Threat To The Nation – IOTW Report

The Greatest Threat To The Nation

In just the first two minutes of this declaration, Mark Levin lays out all the reasons the modern democrat party is more dangerous to The United States than China, Russia or Iran. “The problem is, when you have a cancer from within — and that’s what the Democrat party has become — that’s quite a different story. So many of the great men in our history made the point that if this country is to be destroyed, it’s going to be destroyed from within.” More

33 Comments on The Greatest Threat To The Nation

  1. Bad_Brad, I was…not the boss at the time that…stuff…was happening. Also, good luck getting the FEC to go after a Democrat. Get used to me slaying lewks.

  2. I don’t blame these cunts. I blame the old school communists, Schumer, Naddler, Feinstein, Reid, Pelosi, my dick, other assholes, and whatnots. Fuckit! I just don’t give a fuck anymore..
    And Yes I blame the fucking RINOs who allowed it all to happen.
    Fuck y’all!

  3. Joe6

    Looks like this was South Africa and the black folks are the EFF. Man those whites down there are fucked. They better start using their heads. Wonder if they all turned in their guns?

  4. @Brad…dint BFH post a video/article of some Melania look alike vacuuming while haters tossed in rice to make her keep working? It was “art”.

    this reminds me of that

  5. Charlie, did you see Trump’s CPAC speech? He gave Levin at least 3-4 shout outs, including one time telling the audience the time and day for Levin’s teevee show. He even referred to Levin as “The Great One”! If Levin can’t see a way to get on the Trump Train after that then he is a no good POS!

  6. @ joe6pak… so you’re saying there’s hope???
    I did listen to Trumps speech but Levin was never Trump during the campaign so wondered if he came around

  7. Joe6

    If I’m Trump, I’m thinking I need to keep the Son Of A Bitch on my side as long as possible. Hopefully through November 2020. My opinion is Levin would normally side with the likes of Paul on the EO. Not this time. I guess the great one like getting stroked by the best ever.

  8. Yup, he damn sure got stroked! To be called “The Great One” by the best President of our lifetime is getting stroked big time. Rush might be jealous he wasn’t in the audience.

  9. Brad, I think you are right about Trump/Rush. Too bad you’re not a golfer, I’d arrange a foursome of you, me, Trump, and Rush. I’ll give BFH a call and see if he can fill your slot.

  10. joe6pak
    Use to belong to a very exclusive Country Club. No Denim, mandatory collared shirts. I’ve swung a club or two. I’m not a finesse athlete. I did enjoy it, until we kept score. I can drive a ball 350 yards plus. Unfortunately that’s about the radii too. I do want to take another shot at it. The thing about golf is you can hit a 100 bad shots and one good one. And that one good one makes you want to try again. I hit a hole in one on the 8th at Makena on Maui. Unfortunately I was teeing off from the 7th.

  11. That looks like an awesome place! I haven’t made a hole in one on the wrong hole, but I did hit a guy in the ankle from about 200 yards out, as he was riding in a cart on the adjoining fairway, coming toward us. He never saw it coming, just all ot a sudden impact and intense pain. It ruined his day and put a damper on mine as well.

  12. joe6pak

    To many assholes. Or, I’m an asshole. LOL I did meet a few decent people there. Not many.

    PS, the guys standing on the 8th green were not impressed.

  13. I’ve said this before… Moslems in the US Government are nothing but Trojan Horses. NOTHING they could do to undermine America would surprise me. That ISIS Bride returning to the US could be a potential suicide bomber for all anyone knows.

    All of this stinks on ice.

  14. Totally agree with you, Ann Thracts. Those two Muzzles in Congress are the visible tip of the iceberg… during the Obama administration there were dozens of Muslims or Muslim-sympathizers in government, non-elected of course. We can only guess where they are now, slowly spreading the Sharia.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the Congress woman from Minnesota uses that turban of hers to conceal a bomb… remember that Danish cartoon years ago that depicted Mohammed’s turban shaped like a bomb? Their panties were all in a twist because it hit too close to home. Why is she allowed head-gear, when everyone else is denied that?

  15. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez has exposed the Party’s soul.
    THAT is the unforgivable sin.
    Godless, Hateful, Socialist, Tyrannical, anti-Semitic, Infanticidal, Homicidal, Greedy, Grasping, Arrogant, Absurd, Neurotic, anti-American, anti-Exceptional, False, Lustful, Pandering, and anti-Civilizational – the things that the Party Masters (the Central Committee) would rather keep under wraps.

    She openly declares them for what they are – the “Deep Staters” as well as the public face of dissolution.

    Battle Lines are being drawn. Good or Evil. Pretty Simple.

    izlamo delenda est …


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