The guy walking around Wi Spa (where BLM and ANTIFA protested) is a convicted sex offender – IOTW Report

The guy walking around Wi Spa (where BLM and ANTIFA protested) is a convicted sex offender

What I didn’t know prior, the dude had a partial erection.

And he was defended by the “anti-fascists.”


10 Comments on The guy walking around Wi Spa (where BLM and ANTIFA protested) is a convicted sex offender

  1. I will gladly help it get rid of it’s dick and balls, it would be one clean slice.

    But it would still be male, and I doubt it really wants that. Hard to rape and assault with a bald pelvis.

    But the offer stands.

  2. How many times have we said here on iotw that men would claim to be women so they could fulfill their perv tendencies?
    Way back when Target announced they would allow “trans” people to use whichever bathroom they want.

    Everyone saw this coming.
    The libidiots have only been lying to themselves about it.

  3. Sane people knew shit like this would happen. They are men, will always be men and nothing can change that and they are also insane perverts that need to be locked up in a mental hospital or killed.

  4. I WILL answer to God for many things
    but trying to be a female ain’t one of them…
    I just learned about MAPs. {minor attracted people}.
    As the crazy accelerates into hyper drive…


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