The Hague Concludes ISIS Gassed Syrians in 2015 – IOTW Report

The Hague Concludes ISIS Gassed Syrians in 2015


THE HAGUE, Netherlands—22 February 2024—The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Investigation and Identification Team (IIT)’s fourth report concludes that there are reasonable grounds to believe that units of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) were the perpetrators of the chemical weapons attack on 1 September 2015 in Marea, Syria. The IIT’s comprehensive investigation was conducted from January 2023 to February 2024. More

17 Comments on The Hague Concludes ISIS Gassed Syrians in 2015

  1. Does anyone really think any of these Mindless Murdering Muzlims have any standards, morals or fear of war crimes??? They are ruthless savages with one goal: Kill.
    Besides, they know that the only people who will enforce war crimes is the gutless West!

  2. ¡BENITO – Oh man, I”m with you on that and other garbage that gets displayed from time to time… but it pays the bills for BFH so I just ignore it.
    Sometimes it’z like watching a train wreck, bu ya gotta move on and look past it!

  3. Interesting. I have a hot blonde, half neked. Have no idea what she’s selling. I’ve never paid attention to that. Must have something to do with your viewing habits. LOL

  4. Didn’t John McCain & Lindsey Graham blame this on the Syrians, so they could arm the rebels who handed the weapons over to Isis. All while Obama did nothing to stop the spread of “radical” Islam.

  5. I’ve got bare feet on some foot gadget, a golden egg among a dozen plain ones and a lady with tea bags over her eyes.

    This kind of feels like playing Poker, “I’ll see your lady with the flabby belly for a chick with tea bags over her eyes.”

  6. Yep, that was the time 0bama drew a pink line in the sand telling ISIS not to use chemical weapons, and when they totally ignored him he pussied out and got Putin to retaliate. We’re STILL dealing with the “legacy” of the jug eared community agitator.

  7. Took 9 years to discover the intuitively obvious?

    Sharp as bowling balls.
    Justice delayed is justice denied – which, I guess, was the point.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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