The Hardest Secret to Keep in the South – IOTW Report

25 Comments on The Hardest Secret to Keep in the South

  1. I used to watch football to spend time with my Pop. He paused away 24 years ago and I haven’t followed the sport since.
    I am a sort of fan of nonprofessional baseball though. I have no patience for professional sports nor sports in general.

  2. stirrin,
    Nope. Yer not unique.
    Especially since KaperDick, all the teams, leagues, and pro sports have gone “woke”.

  3. Don’t watch football since Tom Landry. I just happened to be scrolling through the channels a while back and saw Texas A&M beat Alabama with a last second field goal. Very satisfying!

  4. Pro sports and college suck the big one. Use to be a huge University of Kentucky fan but they went woke and Coach Cal is losing his touch (they suck) so no more for me. The wokeness, pandering and crybaby histrionics is too much to bear.

  5. grew up w/ sports since I was a 3 year-old w/ my dad teaching me to switch-hit ala Mickey Mantle. played Little League, High School, American Legion ball (my old man played in the minors at age 16). played jr. high, high school fb. played hs soccer. typical sports freak.
    was a huge Baltimore Colts fan … until the NFL kicked us in the ‘nads
    became a huge Cowboy fan when they drafted Randy White … until Jerry Jones kicked the franchise in the ‘nads
    was a huge Baltimore Oriole fan … until the MLB took a knee & told me my $$$ was unworthy … same w/ the NFL, NHL (fan of the Capitals since inception; much to my season ticket holding misfortune)
    was a follower of UofMD football & basketball … was at the game where UM beat Roger Staubach & Navy w/ a last second kick return for a touchdown. was at the greatest bball game ever when NCS beat UM in OT on Jan. 14, 1971. remember when Len Bias died … remember when MD won the National Championship under Gary Williams & Juan Dixon
    today, I’m no longer a fan of NFL, MLB, NHL or a follower of college sports
    … it’s the way they want it … it’s the way they got it

    I will admit to one perverse pleasure … following Tom Brady … because every success he has is a giant FU in the eye of the commie-sports empire
    think about it … just like ‘Rollerball’ & Jonathan E

    … & I ain’t 70

  6. after watch the vid again I would like to rescind my previous statement as it was a response to previous posts & not on the subject of the actual vid … my apologies

    the vid, as I interpret, is an attempt at shaming someone that does not follow college sports, in particular Southern college sports. the participants end up ‘shaming’ the non-participant in typical ‘woke’ fashion. it’s total propaganda bs that people, particularly southern people treat those that don’t follow their particular sport or team.
    I reside in the south. I have relatives in the south (Tennessee, Florida, NC, SC & GA) some are fervent college fans, some NASCAR, some pro, some don’t give a shit … NONE of them act like the ‘wokeness’ on this vid

    … projection

  7. Southern, heart, mind and location, hate football and make fun of people who insist that I should like it.
    I was in the band, there were girls in the band, the majorettes and cheerleaders rode on our bus.
    The smelly, dirty, football players called us gay, while slapping each others ass and showering together.

  8. I especially enjoy those people who whine eleven months a year about being “forced” to watch commercials on television, then tell me how excited they are about watching them during the Super Bowl.

  9. Stopped watching or caring about NFL when they got woke, and now wokeness is taking over college football too. It’s sad, because now that the technology is here to actually see what’s going on on a TV screen, they are sucking the fun out of it.


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