The “Hate Boat” Soon Will Be Make A Run To Cuba – IOTW Report

The “Hate Boat” Soon Will Be Make A Run To Cuba

Starting in May, U.S. citizens will be able to take the Carnival ship Adonia to Cuba. miami-cuba-cruise

 The trip is open to all except Cuban Americans, because the Castro regime refuses to recognize their American citizenship and insist that they are subject to the Communist regime.


To avoid any difficulties, Carnival won’t book passage to Cuban Americans.



 The first discriminations lawsuit has already been filed against the company Here


15 Comments on The “Hate Boat” Soon Will Be Make A Run To Cuba

  1. We cruise at least 5 cruises a year. There’s no way in hell I would ever get on a ship and cruise to Cuba. Princess cruises no longer goes to Acapulco due to violence and criminal activities. Those who choose to go are just asking for trouble. Read the horror stories on Cancun and other “safe” places to go. No thanks! I had my fill of the Duck and Cover in the ’50’s to last me the rest of my life!

  2. Kuwait air line backed down refusing to fly Jews from NYC to London under the “threat of regulatory action”. The company simply canceled its NYC to London flights.

    The “threat of regulatory action” must be yuge! Why aren’t we threatening ISIS with “regulatory action”? worked on Kuwait.

  3. Imagine how embarrassed the regime would be if Cuban Americans show up in Havana with all their wealth and stories of how they made it big back in the states.

    They can’t be shown up for the utter social and economic failure they are so the have to resort to threats of taking the freedom of our citizens to prevent it.

    Ugly and brutal regime Obama played ball with to polish his “legacy.”

  4. All the Cuban-Americans who fled the murdering Castro Regime but sorely miss relatives and homes they haven’t seen for decades are left to wonder,
    is this when they are supposed to say “Thanks, Obama”?

  5. I get it.. Carnival wants to be the first ones to sail to Cuba.. But, I think the plan is a poor decision by Carnival, not only the Cubans banning Cuban-Americans ashore. But, the inherent risk of building new duty-free shops in the port of call… Because that’s what they do..

  6. Uh wouldn’t this be a disparate impact? This is ( by court decision of the homosexual rulings ) public accomodation exhibiting a disparate impact on one group of people. There is no compelling state interest for this at all. Carnival Cruise lines better get ready for a giant lawsuit from some ambitious law firm.

  7. POST OF THE DAY goes to Uncle Al for the Dead Che’ picture.

    I read Humberto Fontova’s excellent expose’ book on Che Guevara. He was a typical bully – a tyrannical murdering sonofabitch when he had the power.

    But once he was caught by a few rural Bolivian cops, he begged for his life, offered bribes to be let go, cried, pissed & shit his pants – a real fucking pussy. The CIA advisor to the Bolivian government to this day wears the Rolex watch that he took off Guevara’s bloody corpse, a watch that Guevara stole off one of the Cuban corpses he murdered at the Havana prison for political prisoners.

  8. the Carnival Cruise ship has been stopped from sailing to Communist Cuba. According to Marintime Executive magazine, the automatic sliding fire doors/bulkheads failed to function properly. But once they get this fixed, sailings will commence as part of what Carnival calls their “social action” cruises.

    “Social Action”? Gimme a fucking break.

    “The 700-passenger cruise vessel Adonia, operated by the new Carnival Group “social impact” Cuba travel brand Fathom…..”

    “Social Impact”? Why don’t they go whole hog and name their cruise ship “Precious Snowflake”?

    I’ll bet the real reason they weren’t allowed to sail is because the automatic Safe Space doors failed to operate.

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