The Hill’s List of 10 Dems who could run for POTUS in 2024 Includes AOC – IOTW Report

The Hill’s List of 10 Dems who could run for POTUS in 2024 Includes AOC

News Thud:

A list of “10 Democrats who could run for 2024 if Biden doesn’t” from “The Hill” includes progressive lawmaker and social media star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. more

20 Comments on The Hill’s List of 10 Dems who could run for POTUS in 2024 Includes AOC

  1. Whiskeycart December 31, 2021 at 5:57 pm

    At least AOC is easier on the eyes than Hillary lol.

    AOC has horse teef. I bet she can clip her toe nails with those teef.

  2. For those Joe Rogan fans, he just made his entry (and won)for the dumbest statement of 2021, right under the wire I might add;

    “I really believe if Michelle Obama runs, she wins. She’s great, she’s intelligent, she’s articulate, she’s the wife of the best president that we have had in our lifetime in terms of like a representative of intelligent articulate people.”

    Words fail me!

  3. I predicted that AOC would be POTUS one day. Look at the dumbass that’s warming the seat right now and tell me that it couldn’t happen. The left likes historic “firsts”. Competency does not factor in and AOC is as close to pure Commie as they come.

    In 2025 AOC would be old enough to be sworn in.

  4. I laughed when I heard slow Joe was running. I laughed when he would speak to a dozen people while Trump was speaking to thousands regularly. I know he got elected by cheating. I would think this list laughable if I thought we’d have a fair election.

  5. She flew down to Miami by spreading her nostrils, flapping them, and catching the wind. To get her Latin nostrils really wide, she looks at a picture of Aunty Nan to get her temperature up to the boiling point.

    AOC: I’m doing my part to save the planet by flying on wind power.

  6. rich taylor
    Joe Rogan is a biz man. I belong to three different gyms, one of them is an MMA Gold Gym. Meaning Joe Rogans empire pays 50% of the rent after they brought in Boxing Rings and a ton of mats. Cool place. I love it. 90%of the up and coming “Fighters” really tanned. Rogan has the Rebel with out a cause thing down cold. As does he the support the darker people. He’s a Capitalist. Ironically these young and up and comers need to drive from the Ghetto to super rich suburbia to partake in this gym. I’ve done my part trying to interject sanity into these young peeps but out of no where appeared a forty something Black Man who’s a sales manager for Intel, making bank, that took over that conversation. More credibility than my old ass. But Joe Rogan is an opportunistic asshole. I have no use for him.

  7. AOC is very popular among the crazies and the communists. For sure she would make a alot of noise, but I doubt she would win.
    Remember her disasterous interview few days after she was “elected” in 2018?
    She can’t even provide answers other than playing the race card, playing the victim and throwing random accusations.


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