The Hong Kong Flu Killed 100,000 Americans, But the Economy Didn’t Shut Down – IOTW Report

The Hong Kong Flu Killed 100,000 Americans, But the Economy Didn’t Shut Down

Larry Elder takes a look at two of the other major pandemics in history: the Spanish Flu in 1918 and the Hong Kong Flu of 1968. The response to these other pandemics varied from location to location, but what were the actual results? In comparison, has the response to the current pandemic been appropriate?

14 Comments on The Hong Kong Flu Killed 100,000 Americans, But the Economy Didn’t Shut Down

  1. Because men were men back then and Donald Trump was not President.

    Plandemic to stop the us economy and an independent western world!

  2. hell, we still staged Woodstock in the midst of the Hong-Kong Flu

    … back in the day when American’s didn’t GAS about dying from a natural, yearly-recurring phenomena

  3. TSUSNAMI gassed it….

    No Russian collusion…

    No Impeachment…

    WuHan Flu…crush the economy…

    The economy is rebounding…

    Race riots for one idiot who murdered a poor dumb bastard?? …just execute the cop and call it even….

    The bottom line is they are trying to shift the narrative again to not re-elect Donald Trump…

  4. TSUNAMI & willysgoatgruff

    Probably ups CNN & MSM ratings.
    Make sure the sheople tune in for their daily programming.
    I’ve learned to pick out the people that watch CNN, with their first response. Sound like drones.

  5. big picture

    the world is becoming an unlivable, infected, polluted shithole

    amoral, perverted, godless, baby-killing, drug-addled moronic heathens rule the day

    get used to it, permanent decline to leave behind for our children and grandchildren

    compared to tomorrow, these are good times, so savor the moment

  6. So far, 0.03% of US population has succumbed to CV, assuming that every diagnosis is valid. That’s 100,000 people divided by 333 million. Keep in mind that, obviously, about 1.2% of the American population dies each year (based on 80+ year average lifespan). And, also obviously, the vast majority of that 1.2% are old and have major health issues prior to dying – which the vast majority of that 0.03% have. Every death is a tragedy – including those from other causes. And we know that this particular disease is even more skewed towards the old and infirm than the annual flu. Time to recognize reality.

  7. We know this is swamp/fauci bullshit. Same with the rioting.
    It’s just a shame Barr acted so late and so boehnerly.
    Look, we are in a civil war. There is an free for all of treason and corruption. Barr doesnt quite get it.


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