The Ideal Woman Body Type Around the World – IOTW Report

The Ideal Woman Body Type Around the World

Huff Poop had an article about the preferred women body types in different regions of the world. Here are a few from the article.

HT/ PetrusbodytypesOkay, maybe the last one wasn’t in the original article.

18 Comments on The Ideal Woman Body Type Around the World

  1. I don’t like skinny women. When we go out to eat I want them to eat. I can’t stand the women that won’t eat a regular size meal.
    And I don’t want to hear the word diet. If you eat a well balanced meal and exercise you won’t become a pig.

  2. I’m not good enough at photoshop to take that original photo and make her my ideal. You can’t get there from here.

    Seeing those regional ideals, maybe that disgusting Kardashian cow should move to Egypt.

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